Welcome to the Rangeland Ecology & Management archives. The journal Rangeland Ecology & Management (RE&M; v58, 2005-present) is the successor to the Journal of Range Management (JRM; v. 1-57, 1948-2004.) The archives provide public access, in a "rolling window" agreement with the Society for Range Management, to both titles (JRM and RE&M), from v.1 up to five years from the present year.

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Print ISSN: 0022-409x

Online ISSN: 1550-7424


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Recent Submissions

  • Wildlife Effects from Grasshopper Insecticides Sprayed on Short-Grass Range

    McEwen, L. C.; Knittle, C. E.; Richmond, M. L. (Society for Range Management, 1972-05-01)
    Insecticides were sprayed experimentally at several sites on short-grass plains vegetation by the Agricultural Research Service (ARS), United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), to determine effectiveness for grasshopper (Acrididae) control. Effects of the applications on resident wildlife were studied by the Denver Wildlife Research Center. Observations were also made on the effects of an operational range caterpillar (Hemileuca oliviae) control program with toxaphene. Direct effects on birds varied widely with the chemicals applied, spray rates, and conditions. Applications (in ounces of active ingredient per acre) that killed birds and resulted in significant population decreases were: Fenitrothion (9.6 oz), BAY 77488 (4.6 and 9.3 oz), diazinon (5.0 to 8.0 oz), and toxaphene (16 oz). Applications that resulted in significant population decreases under some conditions, but without any observed bird mortality, were: Fenitrothion (6.3 oz), Baygon (3.0-4.0 oz), and Guthion (4.0 oz). Applications without observed direct effects on wildlife were: BAY 77488 (2.5 oz), carbaryl (6.4 oz), malathion (6.8 oz), and Mobam (3.0 oz). Registration and use of pesticides for range grasshopper control should be limited to those that degrade rapidly in the environment, have the least direct impact on wildlife, and have been thoroughly field-tested.
  • What Are the Real Problems in Resource Management Education?

    Hedrick, D. W. (Society for Range Management, 1972-01-01)
  • Western Coneflower—A Noxious Species?

    Florez, A.; McDonough, W. T.; Balls, L. D. (Society for Range Management, 1972-09-01)
    In laboratory tests, dilute foliar extracts of western coneflower (Rudbeckia occidentalis Nutt.) inhibit germination and seedling growth of seeded grasses as do those of some supposedly innocuous species. Under natural conditions on aspen range, measurements of plants of mountain brome growing in close association with coneflower gave doubtful evidence of suppressed growth. Large doses of dried aerial parts of coneflower force-fed to sheep produced no evidence of toxicity or other distress. We found no evidence of coneflower posing any special threat on mountain range, except as a relatively unpalatable increaser species.
  • Vegetation Changes as a Result of Soil Ripping on the Rio Puerco in New Mexico

    Aldon, A. F.; Garcia, G. (Society for Range Management, 1972-09-01)
    Soil ripping in 1963 effectively reduced runoff on the San Luis watershed of the Rio Puerco, New Mexico, and caused a favorable shift in forage production from galleta to alkali sacaton. Ripping effects on runoff are short-lived, but forage production patterns may persist for 10 years.
  • Vegetation Analysis of Grazed and Ungrazed Alpine Hairgrass Meadows

    Bonham, C. D. (Society for Range Management, 1972-07-01)
    Alpine hairgrass meadows in Colorado and Wyoming were examined for plant species differences related to sheep grazing history. Nine alpine areas were studied and three of these had not been grazed by domestic sheep for many years. Frequency values for eight plants were found to be useful in determining whether or not hairgrass meadows have been predominantly grazed over the years by domestic sheep. No additional information was obtained by including species cover data for classification purposes.
  • Thrips of the Sagebrush-Grass Range Community in West-Central Utah

    Tingey, W. M.; Jorgensen, C. D.; Frischknecht, N. C. (Society for Range Management, 1972-07-01)
    Twenty species of thrips (Thysanoptera) were collected from big sagebrush, rubber rabbitbrush, antelope bitterbrush, and crested wheatgrass on west-central Utah sagebrush-grass rangelands. Twelve species of thrips were collected from crested wheatgrass, 10 from rubber rabbitbrush, 10 from big sagebrush, and three from antelope bitterbrush. Three species (Anaphothrips tricolor, Chirothrips aculeatus and Chirothrips simplex) were new distribution records for Utah. Thrips damage was not apparent to any of the host species examined during this study, but Anaphothrips zeae, Aptinothrips rufus, and Frankliniella occidentalis are potential pests of range species and merit further study.
  • Thrice-Weekly Supplementation Adequate for Cows on Pine-Bluestem Range

    Pearson, H. A.; Whitaker, L. B. (Society for Range Management, 1972-07-01)
    Cows and calves on pine-bluestem range in Louisiana did as well when fed a winter supplement on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday as when they received feed daily.
  • Three Methods of Determining Diet, Utilization, and Trampling Damage on Sheep Ranges

    Laycock, W. A.; Buchanan, H.; Krueger, W. C. (Society for Range Management, 1972-09-01)
    Esophageal fistula sampling and ocular utilization estimates gave similar figures for dietary composition and for percentage utilization by sheep for most plant species in the tall-forb type. The paired-plot method gave higher utilization figures than the above methods because it estimated not only herbage eaten, but also that trampled. As a result, this method overestimated the dietary composition of species most susceptible to trampling damage; trampling accounted for one-half to two-thirds of the herbage removed by grazing.
  • The Sickledrat: A Circular Quadrat Modification Useful in Grassland Studies

    Kennedy, R. K. (Society for Range Management, 1972-07-01)
    A sickle-shaped modification of a circular quadrat has been used advantageously in tall-grass rangeland production studies in northeast Oklahoma. The main advantages of this quadrat are the reduction of the area concept bias in quadrat placement, ease of quadrat placement, reduction of perimeter decisions, and facilitation of precision clipping at various heights above the soil surface.
  • Ten Year Yield Response of Beardless Wheatgrass from a Single Nitrogen Application

    Mason, J. L.; Miltimore, J. E. (Society for Range Management, 1972-07-01)
    Forage yields were measured from 1959 to 1968 in response to a single fertilizer application in the fall of 1958 in southern British Columbia. The ten-year accumulated forage yield of beardless wheatgrass increased from 3000 pounds per acre at zero nitrogen treatment to 7750 pound per acre at 450 pounds per acre nitrogen treatment. Yield response from the lower application rates was greatest in the earlier years of the experiment. The general yield levels declined in the later years of the experiment. Nitrogen concentration in plant tops increased from 0.7 percent at the zero application level to 1.5 percent at the 450 pound application level in the first year. Nitrogen concentration gradually declined over the first eight years at the higher application rates. By the last two years, there was no effect remaining of treatment on nitrogen accumulation. Plant analyses for Ca, K, Mg, Zn, Mn and Fe showed sharp declines in Ca and Zn but only minor changes in other elements from increasing nitrogen application levels. Plant crown diameter had increased from 4.4 to 5.2 inches with increasing nitrogen rates by the fifth year of the experiment.
  • Supplementation of Dry Annual Range by Irrigated Pasture

    Hull, J. L.; Raguse, C. A.; Guild, J. P. (Society for Range Management, 1972-03-01)
    Supplementation of a low protein, high-fiber, dry annual-range forage by irrigated pasture appears feasible. Data indicate that irrigated pasture can be used to increase the amount, or improve the quality, of beef production, and that it can compete economically with cottonseed meal as a supplemental protein source for cattle grazing dry annual-range forage./El estudio se llevó a cabo en la Estación Experimental de la Universidad de California ubicado en Browns Valley, California, E.U.A. Los tratamientos fueron; (1) pastizal seco solamente, (2) pastizal seco mas harinolina cada tercer día, (3) pastizal seco más ocho horas de pastoreo en un pastizal de riego tres veces por semana y (4) pastizal de riego solamente. El pastoreo se realizó con novillos y el pastizal de riego fué una mezcla de gramíneas y leguminosas. Se encontró que el uso de un pastizal de riego como suplemento dió más ganancias y animales de mejor calidad que el suplemento de harinolina, resultando además más económico.
  • Spread of African Pasture Grasses to the American Tropics

    Parsons, J. J. (Society for Range Management, 1972-01-01)
    Most of the economically important pasture grasses of the tropics have originated in Africa. Introduced into the New World, they have often become naturalized, spreading rapidly and widely. Six species have been principally involved in this massive ecologic invasion. With the aid of man the face of much of the continent is gradually being changed from forest to productive grassland.
  • Some Herbage Responses to Fire on Pine-Wiregrass Range

    Lewis, C. E.; Hart, R. H. (Society for Range Management, 1972-05-01)
    Protecting two sites on pine-wiregrass range from fire caused a rapid reduction in herbage yields. Reintroducing fire on these sites resulted in significantly increased yields, but removal of old growth by hand clipping instead of burning caused a decrease in yield on the site with Olustee sand and an increase in yield on the site with Plummer sand. Although gallberry cover did not recover as rapidly after burning on the Olustee site as on the Plummer site, covariance analysis indicated that these differences in recovery did not fully account for the disparity in yield between burned and clipped plots on the two sites.
  • Some Factors Influencing Tolerance to Moisture Stress of Three Range Grasses

    Schlatterer, E. F.; Hironaka, M. (Society for Range Management, 1972-09-01)
    Pre-conditioning of bluebunch wheatgrass, squirreltail and Thurber stipa plants by exposure to different temperatures and watering schedules affected their tolerance to moisture stress. Plants conditioned under high or low temperatures were more resistant to moisture stress than plants conditioned at moderate temperature. Plants grown in fertile mound soil were less conditioned to withstand moisture stress than those grown in less fertile intermound soil.

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