Journal of Range Management, Volume 25, Number 2 (March 1972): Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 22
Journal of Range Management, Volume 25, Number 2 (March 1972)Society for Range Management, 1972-03-01
Supplementation of Dry Annual Range by Irrigated PastureSupplementation of a low protein, high-fiber, dry annual-range forage by irrigated pasture appears feasible. Data indicate that irrigated pasture can be used to increase the amount, or improve the quality, of beef production, and that it can compete economically with cottonseed meal as a supplemental protein source for cattle grazing dry annual-range forage./El estudio se llevó a cabo en la Estación Experimental de la Universidad de California ubicado en Browns Valley, California, E.U.A. Los tratamientos fueron; (1) pastizal seco solamente, (2) pastizal seco mas harinolina cada tercer día, (3) pastizal seco más ocho horas de pastoreo en un pastizal de riego tres veces por semana y (4) pastizal de riego solamente. El pastoreo se realizó con novillos y el pastizal de riego fué una mezcla de gramíneas y leguminosas. Se encontró que el uso de un pastizal de riego como suplemento dió más ganancias y animales de mejor calidad que el suplemento de harinolina, resultando además más económico.
Soil Moisture, Forage, and Beef Production Benefits from Gambel Oak Control in Southwestern ColoradoControlling Gambel oak and other brushy species with herbicides can produce benefits to the stockman. Increased forage and beef production are products of a good brush control practice. A high percentage of oak control is necessary to offset regrowth by sprouting. Soil moisture was significantly increased in the top five feet of soil during the summer months by controlling the oak. Forage production was doubled with a five-year period. Animal weight gains per acre nearly doubled as a result of brush control on Gambel oak rangeland.
Seasonal Changes in Herbage and Cattle Diets on Sandhill GrasslandThe chemical composition and dry matter digestibility of clipped plant species, total herbage, and actual and simulated cattle diets were studied on sandhill grassland in eastern Colorado during the growing season and after dormancy. Clipped plants declined in percent protein and digestibility and increased in other chemical components with advanced maturity. Marked differences in chemical composition were evident among species in early summer, but minimal by winter. Actual cattle diets and those simulated from hand clipped plants were similar in chemical and digestible dry matter composition during each sampling period. In early summer, cattle diets were considerably higher in quality than total herbage but this difference became progressively smaller later in the summer. During dormancy and after weathering chemical composition and dry matter digestibility of herbage and of the cattle diets were essentially the same.
Sand Shinnery Oak Response to Dicamba Granules and Picloram PelletsTwo lb./acre of picloram pellets were required to reduce sand shinnery oak (Quercus havardii Rydb.) stem density one season after application in the Rolling Plains of northwest Texas. Neither picloram pellets nor dicamba granules reduced the density of live sand shinnery oak stems two years after application.
Rooting Cuttings of Saltbush (Atriplex halimus L.)Cuttings of the saltbush (Atriplex halimus L.) were rooted by keeping them at high humidity in cheap chambers of transparent plastic sheeting for two months. The method could be useful in propagating improved plant material.
Potential Economic Values Oo Weather Modification on Great Plains GrasslandsExperimental weather modification projects on the Great Plains indicate that selective cloud seeding during the summer months may produce from one-half to one inch of moisture. To determine the potential economic benefits from this amount of moisture long term forage production and meteorological data from three range sites in Kansas were statistically analyzed. Forage production was highly correlated with growing season moisture. On each of the three sites benefit-cost ratios were favorable, ranging from 21.7 to 1 on site one, 6.4 to 1 on site two and 25.2 to 1 on site three, based on a seeding cost of $0.10 per acre and a one-half inch increase in rainfall.
Micronutrient Trace Element Composition of Crested WheatgrassIn crested wheatgrass on northern Nevada range, high cobalt with low copper and zinc concentrations present a rather atypical pattern of trace elements. Zinc and manganese were greater in the seed head than in the foliage but no such differences were found for cobalt, copper or iron. Advancing season from April through July did not influence the micronutrient trace element composition of crested wheatgrass. Copper and zinc concentrations were found to be marginal or deficient for bovine nutrition and many zinc concentrations would generally be considered deficient for plant growth.
Integration of Burning with Mechanical Manipulation of South Texas GrasslandRoller chopping and shredding of woody plants reduced the overall stature, canopy cover, and woody plant density, but stem density increased due to basal sprouting. Two consecutive years of late summer burns following mechanical treatments did not significantly lower woody plant or stem densities. Mechanical-herbicide stump treatment following mechanical treatment, but prior to burning did not affect woody plant or stem densities or the stem:plant ratio. Mechanical clearing in combination with fire promoted secondary plant succession. Treatment combinations resulted in highest total herbage production, grass production, and herbaceous basal cover. Burning reduced litter cover, while roller chopping and shredding had little effect.
Influence of Competition on the Response of Bluebunch Wheatgrass to ClippingPartial reduction of competition from surrounding vegetation more than doubled the total herbage and tripled the number of flower stalks produced the following year by bluebunch wheatgrass (Agropyron spicatum). Elimination of competition resulted in a sixfold increase in herbage production and a tenfold increase in number of flower stalks. The relative depressant effects of clipping were significantly reduced by concurrent reductions in competition. The beneficial effects of partial reduction of competition offset the adverse effects of heavy clipping, and elimination of competition more than offset the effects of extreme clipping. Number of flower stalks is a more sensitive indicator of vigor than total herbage production. Average flower stalk and foliage culm lengths are not useful indicators of vigor.
Herbage Production Following Brush Control with Herbicides in TexasThe herbicides, 4-amino-3,5,6-trichloropicolinic acid (picloram), 5-bromo-3-sec-butyl-6-methyluracil (bromacil), (2,4,5-trichlorophenoxy)acetic acid (2,4,5-T), 3,6-dichloro-o-anisic acid (dicamba) applied alone and in certain combinations caused significant increases in grass production for several months to several years at three locations in Texas, depending upon the degree of brush control obtained. Native grasses usually tolerated picloram, 2-chloro-4-(ethylamino)-6-(isopropylamino)-s-triazine (atrazine), 2-chloro-4,6-bis(ethylamino)-s-triazine (simazine) and (2,4-dichlorophenoxy)acetic acid (2,4-D) as granules and sprays at rates up to 2 lb./acre without reduction in yield on pasturelands at three locations in Texas.
Growth Characteristics of Crested and Fairway Wheatgrasses in Southern IdahoCrested and fairway wheatgrasses have been growing together and spreading in southern Idaho for over 30 years and are well-adapted to Idaho. We found that fairway produces only 79% as much herbage as crested, but that it had spread 112% further by seed and is grazed more uniformly. Both species spread more in eastern than in southwestern Idaho.
Fourwing Saltbush Revegetation Trials in Southern ArizonaFourwing saltbush was seeded and transplanted into native stands of (a) almost pure creosotebush and (b) velvet mesquite with burroweed understory, in southern Arizona. Burroweed and creosotebush were controlled by picloram spray and by grubbing. The mesquite was killed on half of the burroweed plots. Establishment and survival of saltbush was much higher on the creosotebush site than on the mesquite site, presumably because the calcareous (pH 8.0+) soil at the creosotebush site was more suitable than the non-calcareous neutral soil at the mesquite site. Transplants survived much better on grubbed plots than on sprayed or check plots, and seedlings on sprayed or grubbed plots than on check plots. However, after 3 years the stands were reduced to 650 and 46 plants per acre on the creosotebush and mesquite-burroweed area respectively.
Forage Selectivity by Goats on Lightly and Heavily Grazed RangesAverage annual diets were similar on lightly and heavily grazed ranges, but variability over time did not always follow similar patterns on the two grazing treatments, and periodic differences in dietary botanical composition resulted. Goats in this study should be classified in the popular sense as "grazers" rather than "browsers."/El estudio se llevó a cabo en la Estación Experimental de la Universidad de Texas A & M ubicado cerca de Sonora, Texas, E.U.A. Se emplearon cabras con "Fístula esofógica y cánula tipo D" para determinar la composición botánica de sus dietas a través del año cuando pastorean áreas con sub y sobre pastoreo. Según el promedio del año no hubo diferencias significativas entre sus dietas en respecto a las proporciones de ramoneo, hierbas y gramíneas pero hubo diferencias entre las estaciones. Las dietas en primavera en el área con sub pastoreo tuvieron principalmente gramíneas y hierbas mientras en el área con sobre pastoreo gramíneas y especies ramoneables. En ambas áreas las gramíneas fueron muy consumidas en la época de Junio a Octubre. El pastoreo de las hierbas fué restringido a su disponibilidad pero las gramíneas y las especies ramoneables fueron consumidas a través del año dependiendo de su gustocidad. De las especies ramoneables el Encino fué el más preferido. Las cabras en el área con sobrepastoreo comieron algunas especies leñosas consideradas como especies indeseables. Principalmente los tallos y hojas jóvenes fueron consumidas. Se concluyó que para las condiciones bajo las que se hicieron las observaciones, las cabras deben considerarse como consumidoras de gramíneas en vez de ramoneadoras.
Forage and Woody Sprout Establishment on Cleared, Unbroken Land in Central AlbertaFive cultivated forages and rough fescue, a native bunchgrass, were successfully established on cleared but unbroken land in central Alberta that was either untilled or lightly tilled with a tandem disc. Woody suckers caused considerable competition for the forages and susceptible species were only partially controlled by one application of an herbicide. The sucker density of four shrub species increased greatly between the second and third year after clearing and seeding whereas the density of suckers of the only tree, aspen, declined. There was a one-third reduction in land-clearing costs using this method of forage establishment rather than using a crawler-tractor-drawn serrated disc or moldboard plow to break the land.
Effect of Pregnancy and Lactation on Liver Vitamin A of Beef Cows Grazing PangolagrassThe effect of pregnancy and lactation on vitamin A and carotene in liver and plasma was determined for beef cows grazing pangolagrass. The cows averaged 13.4 years of age and had grazed pangolagrass continuously as the only source of nutrients for an average of 9.5 years. Calves were weaned August 29, 1965, and cows were slaughtered December 8, 1965. Ten cows, nursing calves in 1965 and pregnant when slaughtered, had an average of 12.3 million I. U. equivalent vitamin A in liver and plasma; seven cows, dry in 1965 and pregnant, had 20.9 million I. U.; three cows, nursing calves in 1965 and open, had 13.3 million I. U.; and one cow, dry in 1965 and open, had 24 million I. U. vitamin A. A well managed pangolagrass pasture in southcentral Florida furnished adequate carotene to meet the vitamin A needs of producing beef cows.
Diet of Walkingsticks on Sandhill Rangeland in ColoradoThe seasonal dry-weight composition of the diet of walkingstick insects collected on sandhill rangeland in northeastern Colorado was determined by microscopic examination of crop contents. The walkingstick was found to be monophagous and highly selective in its feeding habits. Slimleaf scurfpea comprised essentially 100% of its seasonal diet. Preference indices were calculated from herbage availability data. The frequency of plants in the habitat and the frequency of plants in the diet of the walkingsticks were not correlated. Walkingsticks may compete with cattle for high-protein forage.
Developmental Variation in Carbohydrates of Purple NutsedgeCarbohydrate analysis of purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus L.) foliage and subterranean organs harvested over a 130 day period after planting tubers indicated that this species accumulates starch as a storge product. Glucose and fructose appeared to be the major monosaccharides and sucrose was the only disaccharide in foliage and tuber samples. Purple nutsedge appeared to maintain a tremendous capacity for starch metabolism and storage which explains, in part, the ability of this species to resist most control practices.
Desert Cottontail Use of Natural and Modified Pinyon-Juniper WoodlandPinyon-juniper woodland, a habitat for desert cottontails throughout much of the West, is often cleared to improve grazing conditions for livestock. In southern New Mexico, habitat conditions for cottontails can be maintained or enhanced during clearing operations by preserving some combination of 70-90 down, dead trees and living shrubs per acre.
Competition Between Big Sagebrush and Crested WheatgrassMortality of big sagebrush appeared to be related to presence of seeded crested wheatgrass. Roots of both species were restricted by a shallow hardpan. An experiment was performed to compare relative drought resistance of the two species when rooted in the same volume of soil. Water was withheld until all leaves were airdry. Crested wheatgrass was the only survivor in all replications.