Welcome to the Rangeland Ecology & Management archives. The journal Rangeland Ecology & Management (RE&M; v58, 2005-present) is the successor to the Journal of Range Management (JRM; v. 1-57, 1948-2004.) The archives provide public access, in a "rolling window" agreement with the Society for Range Management, to both titles (JRM and RE&M), from v.1 up to five years from the present year.

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Print ISSN: 0022-409x

Online ISSN: 1550-7424


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Recent Submissions

  • Woody Phreatophyte Infestation of the Middle Brazos River Flood Plain

    Busby, F. E.; Schuster, J. L. (Society for Range Management, 1971-07-01)
    Sixty-four percent of the Brazos River flood plain upstream from Possum Kingdom Lake to the confluence of its Salt and Double Mountain forks is occupied by woody phreatophytes. Saltcedar dominated communities are found on 36% and mesquite on 17%. Saltcedar acreage increased significantly from 1940 to 1969, but mesquite did not. At 1969 densities, these two species used approximately 51,000 acre feet of water annually along this expanse of the river.
  • Why Not Say It the Way It Is!

    Cook, C. Wayne (Society for Range Management, 1971-07-01)
  • Why Squirreltail Is More Tolerant to Burning than Needle-and-Thread

    Wright, H. A. (Society for Range Management, 1971-07-01)
    Squirreltail plants have a low density of dead plant material; consequently, they burn quickly, and heat penetration to the growing points is at a minimum. By contrast, the greater density of dead plant material in needle-and-thread bunches causes them to burn at higher temperatures for longer periods, so that many plants are killed. Squirreltail is also more tolerant than needle-and-thread to herbage removal by clipping.
  • Weight-Length Relations in Flowering Dogwood Twigs

    Halls, L. K.; Harlow, R. F. (Society for Range Management, 1971-05-01)
    Ratios of twig weight or twig plus leaf weight to twig length in flowering dogwood plants vary meaningfully by season, geographic location, and year. Where the weight of new growth is predicted from twig lengths, the ratio of weight to length should be determined for the population being studied.
  • Why Some Cattlemen Overgraze—and Some Don't

    Shoop, M. C.; McIlvain, E. H. (Society for Range Management, 1971-07-01)
    Cattle can make high gains on overgrazed range for a few years-if they are fed enough hay, grain, or protein. The supplements mask the low and declining production of overgrazed range. This combination of overgrazing and extra supplements can be profitable until the plant and soil resources are badly damaged, or until a series of drouth years combined with low or dropping cattle prices "terminate" the business or put it on a subsistence level. Over the long term, moderate grazing is more profitable than overgrazing, and in the short term, is much more stable financially./Los bovinos pueden producir mucho en pastizales sobrepastoreados si están suplementados con bastante heno, grano o proteínas. Pero un bajo nivel de producción puede estar escondido por la suplementación. La combinación de sobrepastoreo y suplementación puede ser aprovechable hasta que los recursos naturales tales como las plantas y el suelo están dañados seriamente o cuando hay una sequía combinada con precios bajos y que pueden perjudicar seriamente el negocio de la ganadería. El pastoreo moderado es más aprovechable que el sobrepastoreo si lo consideramos a largo plazo y se refleja en una situación más estable en el corto plazo.
  • The Status of Successional and Systems Analysis Ecology

    Collins, O. B; Smeins, P. E. (Society for Range Management, 1971-05-01)
  • Thermal Regulation of Water Uptake by Germinating Honey Mesquite Seeds

    Scifres, C. J.; Brock, J. H. (Society for Range Management, 1971-03-01)
    Ambient temperature regulated the rate and extent of water imbibition by germinating honey mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa Torr., var. glandulosa) seeds. Honey mesquite seeds required less water and less time for germination at 85 than at 100 or 70 F. Seeds at 70 F contained almost 3 times as much water as seeds at 85 F when germination first occurred although the rate of water uptake (mg/seed/hr) was reduced considerably. Decreasing moisture availability to 8 atm influenced the rate of water absorption by seeds more at 85 and 100 F than at 70 F.
  • Vertical Fire Guards to Control Burning in Small Plots

    Launchbaugh, J. L (Society for Range Management, 1971-07-01)
  • Use of Radiophosphorus and Soil-Block Techniques to Measure Root Development

    Pettit, R. D.; Jaynes, C. C. (Society for Range Management, 1971-01-01)
    A radiophosphorus and soil-block technique of root study gave comparable results when studying root growth of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) and sideoats grama (Bouteloua curtipendula). Roots of switchgrass penetrated 60 inches laterally from the culms while the sideoats grama root system was much less extensive. The primary advantage of the radioisotope technique of root study is that it allows seasonal root developmental data to be easily collected while soil-block observations are laborious and depict root expanse at only specific times.
  • Timing Use of Cool- and Warm-Season Grasses on Pine Ranges

    Pearson, H. A.; Mann, J. F.; Howard, D. A. (Society for Range Management, 1971-03-01)
    A 3-pasture rest-rotation grazing system based on plant growth and development during 2 annual precipitation periods resulted in more equitable utilization of cool- and warm-season grasses (Arizona fescue and mountain muhly) on ponderosa pine range. Plant and cattle productivity were maintained and utilization of forage species was more uniform./El presente estudio se llevó a cabo en un tipo de vegetación de pino ponderosa (Pinus ponderosa) cerca de Flagstaff, Arizona, E.U.A. Los pastos de esta zona se caracterizan por una mezcla de zacates de verano e invierno. Esto dificulta el pastoreo uniforme de las especies debido a la mezcla. Este estudio significó que con un sistema de rotación con tres potreros se obtuvo mas uniformidad de pastoreo de los diferentes zacates. Las épocas de pastoreo y descanso fueron conforme a las épocas de crecimiento relacionadas a las épocas de precipitación.
  • Testing for Outlying Observations in a Sample Group

    Bonham, Charles D. (Society for Range Management, 1971-07-01)
    The need to test for "outliers" is often overlooked both in statistical analyses of data, and in applied statistics courses. Instead of discarding an "odd" value from the sample data based on intuition, an objective approach should be used in handling spurious values found in a data group. An outlier testing procedure can be also useful in constructing future sampling designs.
  • The Seventies: Challenge and Opportunity

    Dietz, Donald R. (Society for Range Management, 1971-07-01)
  • The Profession Versus the Population

    Coyne, Patrick I. (Society for Range Management, 1971-07-01)
  • Sheep Behavior Under Unherded Conditions on Mountain Summer Ranges

    Bowns, J. E. (Society for Range Management, 1971-03-01)
    Purebred Rambouillet, Targhee and Columbia sheep were observed on mountain summer ranges in southwestern Utah. Under unherded conditions Rambouillet sheep travelled greater distances and spent more time resting, while Columbias travelled the least distances, rested least and grazed longer than the other breeds. All breeds travelled farther in the morning than in the afternoon but grazed longer in the afternoon. There was a tendency for the sheep to water and take salt in the mornings rather than in the afternoons. Overgrazing on established bedgrounds was caused by animals grazing these areas in the evening prior to bedding down. Fencing along the crests of the ridges and more strategic salt placement appear to be the most useful means of improving distribution.

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