Journal of Range Management, Volume 24, Number 4 (July 1971): Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 25
Journal of Range Management, Volume 24, Number 4 (July 1971)Society for Range Management, 1971-07-01
Woody Phreatophyte Infestation of the Middle Brazos River Flood PlainSixty-four percent of the Brazos River flood plain upstream from Possum Kingdom Lake to the confluence of its Salt and Double Mountain forks is occupied by woody phreatophytes. Saltcedar dominated communities are found on 36% and mesquite on 17%. Saltcedar acreage increased significantly from 1940 to 1969, but mesquite did not. At 1969 densities, these two species used approximately 51,000 acre feet of water annually along this expanse of the river.
Why Squirreltail Is More Tolerant to Burning than Needle-and-ThreadSquirreltail plants have a low density of dead plant material; consequently, they burn quickly, and heat penetration to the growing points is at a minimum. By contrast, the greater density of dead plant material in needle-and-thread bunches causes them to burn at higher temperatures for longer periods, so that many plants are killed. Squirreltail is also more tolerant than needle-and-thread to herbage removal by clipping.
Why Some Cattlemen Overgraze—and Some Don'tCattle can make high gains on overgrazed range for a few years-if they are fed enough hay, grain, or protein. The supplements mask the low and declining production of overgrazed range. This combination of overgrazing and extra supplements can be profitable until the plant and soil resources are badly damaged, or until a series of drouth years combined with low or dropping cattle prices "terminate" the business or put it on a subsistence level. Over the long term, moderate grazing is more profitable than overgrazing, and in the short term, is much more stable financially./Los bovinos pueden producir mucho en pastizales sobrepastoreados si están suplementados con bastante heno, grano o proteínas. Pero un bajo nivel de producción puede estar escondido por la suplementación. La combinación de sobrepastoreo y suplementación puede ser aprovechable hasta que los recursos naturales tales como las plantas y el suelo están dañados seriamente o cuando hay una sequía combinada con precios bajos y que pueden perjudicar seriamente el negocio de la ganadería. El pastoreo moderado es más aprovechable que el sobrepastoreo si lo consideramos a largo plazo y se refleja en una situación más estable en el corto plazo.
Testing for Outlying Observations in a Sample GroupThe need to test for "outliers" is often overlooked both in statistical analyses of data, and in applied statistics courses. Instead of discarding an "odd" value from the sample data based on intuition, an objective approach should be used in handling spurious values found in a data group. An outlier testing procedure can be also useful in constructing future sampling designs.
Tall Larkspur: Some Reasons for Its Continuing Preeminence as a Poisonous PlantTall larkspur (Delphinium barbeyi Huth) causes more financial loss than all other poisonous plants growing on the Wasatch Plateau of Central Utah. It is found in the subalpine zone above 9,500 ft and is only locally abundant on a small portion of this area. Dense stands of tall larkspur occur mainly on sites where deep snowdrifts accumulate during the winter. Plants in the communities on these snowdrift areas remain tender, succulent, and green while the palatability of plants on the surrounding areas declines with increased maturity. This differential palatability limits the effectiveness of livestock management to reduce losses. Control of tall larkspur must be selective. Adequate vegetative cover must remain to protect sites which are predisposed to erosion. The survival capacity of tall larkspur indicates the need for surveillance schedule and provisions for retreating plants not killed by previous treatments.
Seedling Morphology and Seeding Failures with Blue GramaMorphological differences between seedlings of blue grama and crested wheatgrass show why plantings of blue grama fail while those of crested wheatgrass succeed. When both species are planted at a depth of 18 mm, crested wheatgrass initiates adventitious roots at the depth of planting and blue grama initiates adventitious roots at an average of only 2 mm below the soil surface. Adventitious roots of blue grama usually die in the harsh environment at this shallow depth.
Response of Honey Mesquite Seedlings to Top RemovalHoney mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa Torr. var. glandulosa) seedlings formed branches from the cotyledonary axils within seven days after emergence when the aerial stems were removed and the cotyledons left intact. Foliar area was developed more rapidly where aerial stems were removed (from 2.6 to 3.5 cm2/day) than on intact plants (2.2 cm2/day). Seedling survival and number of branches formed per seedling increased as age increased prior to aerial stem removal. Normal branching occurred after top removal if portions of the cotyledons were left intact. Simultaneous removal of aerial stems and cotyledons of 10-day-old honey mesquites resulted in high seedling mortality and retarded branch formation.
Ranching in East Africa: A Case StudyProgressive ranching is contrasted with traditional pastoralism in an effort to show how lagging rangelands might contribute more to economies of emerging countries. This is done by illustrating one rancher's success in overcoming the handicaps that limit tropical livestock production. Grassland potential and problems of rangeland development in East Africa are also considered.
Ocular Point Quadrat MethodThe Ocular point quadrat used in recording data by sighting through cross-haired holes instead of using pins was developed. The method reduces field work, and eliminate difficulties regarding using the pins as compared to the standard point quadrat frame.
Phenology of Salt Desert Plants near Contour FurrowsThe phenology of galleta (Hilaria jamesii), shadscale (Atriplex confertifolia), nuttall saltbush (A. nuttallii) and mat saltbush (A. corrugata) was studied to determine the effect of contour furrows on their vigor. Four years following treatment of the areas, the plants within 1 meter of the furrows were larger than control plants at least 3 meters from the treatments. Phenological index scores indicated earlier spring growth for the Atriplex species, and a longer summer and fall growth period for all species near furrows. Seed yields were significantly greater for plants near the furrows, providing a sustained seed source for natural establishment when artificial seedings in the salt desert area fail.
Moving and Mixing Range SteersKnowledge of the weight-change response caused by moving range steers to strange pastures and mixing them with strange cattle is needed to help develop and apply improved range rotation and other grazing management systems. A 3-year grazing study showed that yearling Hereford steers were not greatly disturbed by either change of pasture or associates. The steers adjusted rapidly to new conditions, and compensatory gain offset most of the slightly smaller weight gain that occurred when the steers were moved and mixed. Behavioral disturbances were small. A little fighting and fence-walking occurred when the steers were moved and mixed, but this lasted for only 1 or 2 days. The weight-change response from moving and mixing range steers does not appear to be an important factor in the development of range rotation grazing systems, or in making other range use decisions which involve moving and mixing.
Native Forage Response to Clearing Low Quality Ponderosa PineClearing of low quality ponderosa pine in the foothills region of the Black Hills of South Dakota increased forage production 1,500 lb./acre on an east slope and 848 lb./acre on a west slope. Warm season grasses increased to a greater extent than did cool season grasses. If extensive areas were treated in this manner, management changes should be implemented to more efficiently use the increased production of warm season grasses. The increases in forage production plus the use or sale of removed timber should justify clearing low quality pine in this area. Pine reproduction will pose future management problems on cleared areas.
Mineral Composition of Native and Introduced CloversSamples of seven native and four introduced clovers were collected from widely scattered areas in Wyoming and southern Montana. Most of the samples were collected at bloom stage during two successive growing seasons. The levels of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, sulfur, colbalt, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum and zinc in these plants were measured. Levels of calcium were fairly high and extremely variable, ranging from 1.12 to 5.74%. Magnesium contents were quite variable with a range of 0.22 to 0.97%. Considerable variation in the levels of cobalt, range 0.09 to 1.75 ppm, exists and there were indications of species differences in accumulating ability under identical conditions. Copper accumulating capacity apparently varies from species to species and appears to be in direct contrast to cobalt accumulating ability. The range of copper was 7.0 to 49.5 ppm. Iron varied over a wide range with some unexpected high values. The levels of iron varied from 222 to 3329 ppm. Contents of manganese ranged from 39 to 250 ppm with higher levels being found in samples of alsike and white clover from the mud volcano areas of Yellowstone National Park. Amounts of mineral elements present in the clover samples were high enough to provide an adequate plane of nutrition for consuming livestock and wild game.
Limits on Western Range Forage Production—Water or ManWater is generally regarded as the limiting factor in forage production on arid rangeland. If 800 lb. is taken as the water requirement for a pound of range forage, 12 inches as the average precipitation, and 400 lb. as the average forage production/acre, only 12.5% of the precipitation, or 1.5 inches, is used in producing the forage crop. If we estimate that in addition, 1/2 inch is lost to deep percolation, 1 inch to over-the-surface runoff, and 1 inch to undesirable vegetation, we account for 4 inches. Thus, the remainder, two-thirds of the total precipitation, is lost by evaporation, without benefit to man. The importance of the resource lost by evaporation is discussed in relation to the potential productivity of arid lands.