Journal of Range Management, Volume 23 (1970)
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Print ISSN: 0022-409x
Online ISSN: 1550-7424
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Journal of Range Management, Volume 23, Number 6 (November 1970)Society for Range Management, 1970-11-01
Journal of Range Management, Volume 23, Number 5 (September 1970)Society for Range Management, 1970-09-01
Journal of Range Management, Volume 23, Number 4 (July 1970)Society for Range Management, 1970-07-01
Journal of Range Management, Volume 23, Number 3 (May 1970)Society for Range Management, 1970-05-01
Journal of Range Management, Volume 23, Number 1 (January 1970)Society for Range Management, 1970-01-01
Journal of Range Management, Volume 23, Number 2 (March 1970)Society for Range Management, 1970-03-01
Vegetation and Soils of Two Southern High Plains Range SitesSoil and vegetational properties associated with a high lime and a mixed plains site on the Texas High Plains were analyzed. Density of grass cover was similar on both sites, but the high lime site supported a higher percentage of climax grasses. Mesquite trees were dense on the mixed plains site, but virtually absent from the high lime site. The high lime site was characterized by a grayish, strongly alkaline soil high in clay content and low in bulk density; the mixed plains site had a brownish, moderately alkaline soil high in sand content and high in bulk density. Phosphorus, sodium, pH, and organic matter were higher in the high lime soils.
Vegetative Reproduction f Fourwing Saltbush in New MexicoRoot sprouting was found to be an important method of reproduction in some stands of fourwing saltbush in New Mexico.
Value of Broom Snakeweed as a Range Condition IndicatorFollowing an initial 13 year stabilization period, changes in broom snakeweed populations on southwestern pinyon-juniper ranges were investigated over a subsequent 13-year period. The changes which occurred appeared to be the result of oscillating populations rather than of range condition.
The First American and His Range ResourceBeginning with the introduction of livestock by the Spaniards, the Navajos have been prominent in the livestock industry. Stock raising has become so much a part of the Navajo life that its origin and development are involved in the religious ceremonies, social functions, and economic status of the people. The Sioux, on the other hand, have had to undergo significant cultural and social change to adapt to range management and livestock raising as a means of obtaining their livelihood. This transformation is proceeding at an accelerated pace. The history of the Navajo and the Sioux, their trials and frustrations, are relevant to other tribes in the production of livestock and involvements of range management.
The Role of Wet Meadows as Wildlife Habitat in the SouthwestThere are approximately 43,700 acres of wet meadows on National Forests in the Southwest. Three sites (meadow, transition, and dry forest) influence herbage production and plant composition. Average per acre production for a 3-year period was 2,690 lb, 1,330 lb, and 170 lb in the meadow, transition and surrounding dry forest sites, respectively, for two areas studied. Deer and elk spent more time in the adjacent forest edge than in the meadow, but time spent in the meadow may be more important for quantity and quality of forage.
Soil Physical Conditions after Plowing and Packing of RidgesA system of seedbed preparation by moldboard plowing and packing small ridges appears to fulfill two requirements for successful seeding-control wind erosion and eliminate competing vegetation. The percentage by weight of soil aggregates larger than 0.833 mm increases greatly with an increase in the moisture content of soil at the time of packing. A sandy loam soil should contain 9 to 12% moisture when packed to obtain a surface condition greatly resistant to wind erosion.
Some Water Movement Patterns Over and Through Pinyon-Juniper LitterFluorescent dye patterns depicting water movement over and through pinyon-juniper litter accumulations varied somewhat according to canopy density of the trees. Where the canopy was closed, or nearly so, the dye was confined to the surface 1 inch of litter, with no lateral movement indicated. Where the tree canopy was broken or open, dye was found to a maximum of 6 inches beneath the litter and lateral downhill movement of at least 25 inches was indicated on the litter surface. Where dye had penetrated the litter, both a streaked and a uniform (even wetting front) pattern of water movement were observed.
Selenium Concentrations in Forage on Some High Northwestern RangesForages produced on some high northwestern ranges were analyzed for selenium concentration to determine the hazard of white muscle disease (WMD) in calves and lambs. The selenium concentration in 94 forage samples ranged from 0.01 to 0.78 ppm, of which 20 samples contained more than 0.10 ppm. The remaining 74 samples contained less than 0.10 ppm and 59 of those contained less than 0.05 ppm. Approximately 90% of the summer ranges studied produce forage containing less than 0.10 ppm selenium. Thus, the hazard of WMD on these northwestern ranges may be high. Ranchers should work individually and in groups to ascertain losses from the disease and minimize them by injecting the animals with selenium.
Seasonal Carbohydrate Reserve Cycles in Eight Desert Range SpeciesDelineation of seasonal carbohydrate reserve cycles in important range plants is fundamental to development of a physiological index to proper season and intensity of range use. Carbohydrate reserves were studied with relation to growth stage of eight desert range plants in northern Utah. Most species showed definite seasonal trends. Results indicated that maximum plant vigor in relation to carbohydrate reserves depends upon reserve storage sometime at the end of the growth period.
Seeding Rate and First-Year Stand Relationships for Six Native GrassesAverage first-year plants per foot of row were .37, .64, 1.34, and 2.80 from pure live seed rates of 4, 12, 36, and 108, respectively. Average percent establishment in relation to seeding rate was 9.3, 5.3, 3.7, and 2.6 in the same order. Planting two-species mixtures in various proportions and at increasing rates did not significantly influence plant numbers compared with pure species plantings at similar rates.
Seasonal Variation of Chlorophyll in Western Wheatgrass and Blue GramaChlorophyll concentrations in western wheatgrass and blue grama were evaluated during the period June 29 through October 29, 1965, at the Archer Substation, Cheyenne, Wyoming. Chlorophyll a was more abundant than chlorophyll b in both the western wheatgrass and blue grama during the study period. Concentrations of chlorophyll a and b in the western wheatgrass was greater than in the blue grama. Chlorophyll a and b and total chlorophyll decreased with maturity of the plants.
Sage Grouse Versus Sagebrush Control in IdahoSpraying with herbicides to control sagebrush was detrimental to nesting grouse and to sage grouse broods. Nesting ceased when one area was sprayed and another contained a nest five years after spraying. Broods were less affected. One area contained broods three years after it had been sprayed, but variation existed from one area to the next, for another that was sprayed in 1962 was not being used in 1966.
Relationship of Utilization Intensity to Plant Vigor in a Crested Wheatgrass SeedingVigor characteristics of crested wheatgrass subjected to late fall grazing at three levels of intensity were studied over an 8-year period. The indicated level of utilization for maintenance of plant vigor under conditions of this study was about 60 percent.
Responses to Chopping and Rock Phosphate on South Florida RangesNative plants growing on phosphorus-deficient soils in south Florida responded favorably to cross-chopping and fertilizing with ground rock phosphate. Availability of soil phosphate remained high throughout the 5-year study. Chopping effectively controlled saw palmetto and reduced the density of pineland threeawn, while increasing herbage yields, availability, and utilization. Rock phosphate increased herbage yields, raised nutrient levels, and improved palatability of most native plants. These practices offer practical opportunities for improving Florida rangelands.