Now showing items 1-20 of 21

    • Vegetative Reproduction f Fourwing Saltbush in New Mexico

      Woodmansee, R. G.; Potter, L. D. (Society for Range Management, 1970-09-01)
      Root sprouting was found to be an important method of reproduction in some stands of fourwing saltbush in New Mexico.
    • Some Water Movement Patterns Over and Through Pinyon-Juniper Litter

      Gifford, G. F. (Society for Range Management, 1970-09-01)
      Fluorescent dye patterns depicting water movement over and through pinyon-juniper litter accumulations varied somewhat according to canopy density of the trees. Where the canopy was closed, or nearly so, the dye was confined to the surface 1 inch of litter, with no lateral movement indicated. Where the tree canopy was broken or open, dye was found to a maximum of 6 inches beneath the litter and lateral downhill movement of at least 25 inches was indicated on the litter surface. Where dye had penetrated the litter, both a streaked and a uniform (even wetting front) pattern of water movement were observed.
    • Seasonal Variation of Chlorophyll in Western Wheatgrass and Blue Grama

      Rauzi, F.; Dobrenz, A. K. (Society for Range Management, 1970-09-01)
      Chlorophyll concentrations in western wheatgrass and blue grama were evaluated during the period June 29 through October 29, 1965, at the Archer Substation, Cheyenne, Wyoming. Chlorophyll a was more abundant than chlorophyll b in both the western wheatgrass and blue grama during the study period. Concentrations of chlorophyll a and b in the western wheatgrass was greater than in the blue grama. Chlorophyll a and b and total chlorophyll decreased with maturity of the plants.
    • Range Management in the Developing Countries

      Corti, L. N. (Society for Range Management, 1970-09-01)
      Programs for developing countries involve considerations of anthropology, sociology, education, and general planning, as well as the usual sciences basic to range management. The program should include 3 different phases that consider: a) evaluation of the resources, the people, and their cultural, social, and economic interests; b) training and feasibility studies; and c) implementation and technical assistant.
    • Predicted Forage Yield Based on Fall Precipitation in California Annual Grasslands

      Murphy, A. H. (Society for Range Management, 1970-09-01)
      The initiation of fall forage growth in the California annual grasslands is dependent upon the first half-inch of effective rainfall. Annual yield of this forage is influenced by the amount of precipitation received by the third week in November. At that time a determination can be made as to whether the expected annual production will be low, medium, or high. A coefficient of correlation value (r = .70), significant at the 1% level, was obtained between yield and total rainfall through November 20.
    • Radioisotope Uptake Bb Selected Range Forage and Weed Species

      Eckert, R. E.; Blincoe, C. R. (Society for Range Management, 1970-09-01)
      Two wheatgrasses, one annual grass, and one annual forb were used to evaluate the uptake of fourteen gammaemitting isotopes from an important range soil. Uptake of copper, molybdenum, and selenium ranged from moderate to very good from all soil horizons. Uptake of iodine and chromium was poor from the surface and lower soil horizons, respectively, but moderate to very good from other horizons. Other desirable characteristics of these isotopes for root-tracing studies are half-lives of from 12.8 hours to 128 days, and energy differences which permit detection of each isotope in the presence of others.
    • Planned Grazing for Montana Ranges

      Jefferies, N. W. (Society for Range Management, 1970-09-01)
      Grazing management alternatives for Montana ranches are discussed. Management is usually based on one of the following programs: seasonlong grazing, deferred rotation, rest rotation or seasonal grazing. The grazing program must then be adapted to the individual ranch or range unit.
    • Larger Pits Aid Reseeding of Semidesert Rangeland

      Slayback, R. D.; Cable, D. R. (Society for Range Management, 1970-09-01)
      Broad, shallow intermediate pits have proved to be longer lasting than conventional pits on semidesert range in the 6- to 8-inch summer rainfall zone in southern Arizona. Rainfall penetration averaged twice as deep in the pits as on adjacent flats. Herbage production of buffelgrass averaged 2 1/2 times as high, over a 4-year period, on the intermediate pits as on conventional pits, and five times as much as on similar adjacent untreated range.
    • Large Seeds Produce More, Better Alkali Sacaton Plants

      Knipe, O. D. (Society for Range Management, 1970-09-01)
      Larger seeds of alkali sacaton germinated better and faster than the smaller sizes. Seedlings from larger seeds emerged from deeper depths and had a higher growth rate.
    • Land Management Policy and Development of Ecological Concepts

      Jameson, D. A. (Society for Range Management, 1970-09-01)
      As ecological concepts become incorporated into the training and background information of professional land managers, they also become incorporated into land management policies. Recent developments in ecology, such as nutrient cycling studies and computer simulation of complex processes, have a favorable climate for acceptance. Possible applications should be carefully studied by land managers.
    • Lana Vetch for Medusahead Control

      Mac Laughlan, R. S.; Miller, H. W.; Hoglund, O. K. (Society for Range Management, 1970-09-01)
      Medusahead is invading California and western Oregon rangeland at an alarming rate. Overseeding with Lana vetch, a self-perpetuating annual legume, appears to be one of the most practical controls. Because Lana vetch can be successfully established without seedbed preparation it offers a practical method of controlling medusahead on rough terrain. Increased production and improved quality of forage from infested annual grass range are the result.
    • Fertilization of Annual Rangeland with Chicken Manure

      McKell, C. M.; Brown, V. W.; Adolph, R. H.; Duncan, C. (Society for Range Management, 1970-09-01)
      Changing patterns of land use caused by urban expansion may bring poultry operators into foothill areas and thus provide a cheap source of plant nutrients for rangeland fertilization. Research results with chicken manure applied to annual range indicate that application may be made in any season, with forage responses lasting into the third year after application. Forage quality and palatability are increased but the initial abundance of legumes is decreased by increased rates of chicken manure. Additional first year feed obtained from fertilization can be obtained for a cost of between $1.56 and $2.18 per AUM.
    • Factors Influencing Intake of Mineral Supplements by Cattle on Southern Forest Range

      Duvall, V. L.; Whitaker, L. B. (Society for Range Management, 1970-09-01)
      Among cattle fed cottonseed cake daily in winter, salt and bonemeal consumption was greater on moderately grazed range (48% utilization) than on ranges grazed either lightly (32%) or heavily (57%). Cattle on heavily grazed range ate much less bonemeal than others. On ranges grazed moderately, cattle fed cake on alternate days in winter consumed the most salt from ad libitum supply and also ate the most bonemeal. Cattle self-fed a cottonseed meal-salt mixture ranked second in bonemeal consumption and lowest in voluntary intake of salt. Total salt eaten annually by these animals was much greater than for those fed protein supplement by other methods, however, and voluntary intake continued yearlong, even though the ration furnished far more salt than needed in winter./El estudio se llevó a cabo en el estado de Louisiana en un pastizal de Andropogon tener y Andropogon divergens, comprendiendo como potreros pastoreados con vacas todo el año, con tres cargas de pastoreo, pesada, moderada y ligera. Los animales que disponian de harinolina diariamente durante el invierno, consumieron más sal y harina de hueso en la carga moderada (40% de uso de forraje producido) en relación a las otras dos. En la carga pesada consumieron menos harina de hueso. También las que consumieron harinolina en forma terciada (un día si y otro día no) pero en la carga moderada, consumieron más sal y harina de hueso que las otras dos cargas. Las vacas suplementadas con una mezcla de harinolina y sal ad libitum, ocuparon el segundo lugar en el consumo de harina de hueso y el último en el de sal, sin embargo, la cantidad total de sal consumida por dichos animales, fue el más alto.
    • Effects of Clipping and Supplemental Nitrogen and Water on Loamy Upland Bluestem Range

      Owensby, C. E.; Hyde, R. M.; Anderson, K. L. (Society for Range Management, 1970-09-01)
      Water and nitrogen were added separately and in combination to loamy upland bluestem range for four years. Plots were clipped at different dates. Moisture addition generally failed to increase total herbage yields, but supplemental nitrogen increased yields substantially. Nitrogen addition increased cool-season species in the stand. Moisture use was increased by nitrogen addition and reduced by clipping.
    • Effects of 2,4,5-T and Picloram on Broom Snakeweed in Arizona

      Schmutz, E. M.; Little, D. E. (Society for Range Management, 1970-09-01)
      Foliar-spray and soil herbicidal treatments were made on broom snakeweed (Gutierrezia sarothrae) in a shortgrass vegetation type in central Arizona. Broom snakeweed was effectively controlled with foliar treatments of 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4,5-T) applied at 4 lb/acre in April and May. Foliar and soil (granular) treatments of 4-amino-3,5,6-trichloropicolinic acid (picloram) applied at 0.5 lb/acre were effective from February through March and September through December, respectively. Herbicide effectiveness was influenced by soil moisture and stage of plant growth, but apparently was not directly influenced by relative humidity, air temperature, soil temperature, time-of-day of application, or additives of glucose and boron. The effectiveness of 2,4,5-T was greatly increased by the addition of 10% diesel oil in the spray mixture when applied at the rate of 50 gpa. The effectiveness of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) on snakeweed was similar to that of 2,4,5-T./El estudio se llevó a cabo en un tipo de vegetación de zacates cortos en el centro del estado de Arizona tendiente a combatir "Broom snakeweed" (Gutierrezia sarathrae), una hierba tóxica abundante en los pastizales de Estados Unidos y México. La planta fue controlada efectivamente con la aplicación foliar de 4.0 lb/acre de 2,4,5-T durante los meses de abril y mayo, siendo su acción fuertemente aumentada agregando 10% de Diesel, similar resultado se obtuvo aplicando 0.5 lb/acre de Picloram en forma foliar en los meses de febrero y marzo. Igual dosis, pero de picloram granulado, fue efectivo de septiembre a diciembre. La efectividad del hervicida se vio influida por la humedad del suelo y época de crecimiento de las plantas.
    • Effect of Burning and Clipping on Big Bluestem Reserve Carbohydrates

      Owensby, C. E.; Paulsen, G. M.; McKendrick, J. D. (Society for Range Management, 1970-09-01)
      Carbohydrate content of rhizomes and stem bases of big bluestem (Andropogon gerardi Vitman) at different times during the growing season were measured on plots with different clipping and burning treatments. Big bluestem on plots burned May 1 had higher herbage yields, percent nitrogen, and total nitrogen in forage than that on unburned plots. Rapid vegetative growth during mid-July reduced carbohydrate percentages in rhizomes and stem bases of big bluestem. Burning did not affect final storage of carbohydrate on unclipped plots, but, in general, it reduced carbohydrate reserves on clipped plots. Late season clipping reduced carbohydrate reserves more than early season clipping.
    • Changing Educational Needs for Research, Teaching, and Extension

      Arnold, R. K. (Society for Range Management, 1970-09-01)
      To unlock the complicated interrelationships of the range, scientific and managerial talents of the highest order are needed. This paper suggests goals for range management education and proposes one strategy for achieving these goals in the universities. The appropriate faculty can provide strong training for range professionals and meet the general education needs of the university community and other professionals as well.
    • An Economic Analysis of Optimum Rates of Grazing in the California Annual-type Grassland

      Hooper, J. F.; Heady, H. F. (Society for Range Management, 1970-09-01)
      In the early days of the west, marketing practices, low costs associated with grazing and lack of knowledge about range management led to heavy and sometimes destructive utilization of range vegetation. As the field of range science developed, control of grazing to achieve "moderate" utilization became an important management tool. However, too little attention has been given to the economics of "moderate use" recommendations. This study indicates the optimum rate of utilization on a Sutherlin soil in the annual-type grassland of California leaves approximately 500 lb./acre of plant residue. Examination of opportunity costs indicates the economic loss from heavy grazing is several times that of light use. Thus, range managers who recommend "moderate" or even "light" grazing are in effect advocating a small loss (opportunity cost of light grazing) as insurance against a larger loss (opportunity cost of heavy grazing).
    • A Grazing Potential in the Tanga Region of Tanzania

      Van Voorthuizen, E. G. (Society for Range Management, 1970-09-01)
      The steady decline in the sisal market has resulted in greater emphasis on raising of livestock from sisal areas and from native rangelands in Tanzania. Livestock production in many areas of Tanzania is limited by Tsetse fly (Glossina pallidipes). However, in large blocks of land cleared for sisal production, Tsetse, which breeds in dense bushlands is now a minor problem. Proper planning for uniform utilization and maximum sustained production from rangelands are based on local experience and experimental data. In the Tanga Region of Tanzania experimental data for proper planning is lacking. This article presents the results from a range site survey and estimation of the livestock production capacity in the sisal areas of the Tanga Region. Also, the report emphasizes the need for more detailed studies.