Welcome to the Rangeland Ecology & Management archives. The journal Rangeland Ecology & Management (RE&M; v58, 2005-present) is the successor to the Journal of Range Management (JRM; v. 1-57, 1948-2004.) The archives provide public access, in a "rolling window" agreement with the Society for Range Management, to both titles (JRM and RE&M), from v.1 up to five years from the present year.

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Print ISSN: 0022-409x

Online ISSN: 1550-7424


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Recent Submissions

  • Water Use in Relation to Management of Blue Panicgrass (Panicum antidotale Retz.)

    Wright, L. N.; Dobrenz, A. K. (Society for Range Management, 1970-05-01)
    Efficiency of water use was determined for blue panic-grass grown in the field. Management treatments were soil-moisture stress, clipping height, and maturity stage. Water-use efficiency was expressed as the number of units (kg) of water per unit (kg) of forage dry-weight produced. Blue panicgrass showed a relatively broad tolerance to high soil-moisture stress. Efficient use of water and root weight decreased when soil-moisture stress was increased, while dry-weight of forage was unchanged. The 30-cm clipping height, when the majority of seed heads emerged from the boot, was most efficient in water use; gave the highest production of forage; produced the highest percentage protein; and produced the most roots. Two noteworthy findings were: a) the most efficient use of water and the highest forage production were obtained from the same management; and b) the highest protein percentage and the highest forage production were obtained from this same management. This performance of blue panicgrass where highest production of forage, highest percentage of protein, and most efficient use of water is contrary to the performance of some crops, because these responses rarely occur for the same management.
  • Sweetclover as a Range Legume

    Miles, A. D. (Society for Range Management, 1970-05-01)
    Sweetclover grows among native grasses and supplies nitrogen and phosphate. Sweetclover has been increased on the ranch by managing for seed set, for seedling establishment and by introducing it into new areas. Seed set is favored by grazing off the heavy second year growth to conserve moisture for seed production. Seeding establishment is favored by spring grazing that reduces competition. The ability to reseed itself has been found to be limited to south facing slopes. The sweetclover provides nitrogen and extracts phosphate from the soil for its large growth; the fertility remains to fertilize the grasses.
  • Significance of Reduced Plant Vigor in Relation to Range Condition

    Bjugstad, A. J.; Whitman, W. C. (Society for Range Management, 1970-05-01)
    In Southwestern North Dakota, forage yields were much higher on ranges in excellent than on those in good condition; differences in forage yields between ranges in good and those in fair condition were smaller. Reduced yields were due mainly to reduced vigor of midgrasses, as reflected by plant height, and not to loss of plants.
  • Soil Ridging for Reduction of Wind Erosion from Grass Seedbeds

    Marlatt, W. E.; Hyder, D. N. (Society for Range Management, 1970-05-01)
    In the wind tunnel, styrofoam ridges 2 inches high and 12 inches apart reduced wind velocities as much as 90% below the free wind velocity. In the field, ridging of a sandy loam soil by packing with a heavy packer wheel prevented wind erosion from the modified seedbed. High-intensity rain and hail can eliminate the ridges.
  • Response of Understory Vegetation to Ponderosa Pine Thinning in Eastern Washington

    McConnell, B. R.; Smith, J. G. (Society for Range Management, 1970-05-01)
    Pine thinning caused highly significant increases in understory vegetation. After eight growing seasons, total understory yield increments ranged from 75 lb/acre on the unthinned plots to 417 lb under 26-foot pine spacing. The increase comprised 51% grasses, 37% forbs, and 12% shrubs. When pine canopy exceeded about 45%, forbs produced more than grasses; below 45%, grasses were superior producers. Shrubs were the least productive at all levels.
  • Jupiter Root Competition Reduces Basal Area of Blue Grama

    Jameson, Donald A. (Society for Range Management, 1970-05-01)
    Juniper root competition reduces the basal area of blue grama, but the effect is small enough that careful control of experimental error is necessary to detect the difference.
  • Improved Folding Utilization Cages

    Frischknecht, Neil C.; Conrad, Paul W.; Hansen, Paul E. (Society for Range Management, 1970-05-01)
    Describes an improved model of folding cage that has proved durable on cattle ranges, and suggests ways to simplify construction.
  • Infiltration and Soil Erosion as Influenced by Vegetation and Soil in Northern Utah

    Meeuwig, R. O. (Society for Range Management, 1970-05-01)
    The influences of vegetation, soil properties, and slope gradient on infiltration capacity and soil stability of high-elevation herbland on the Wasatch Front in northern Utah were investigated under simulated rainfall conditions. Results emphasize the importance of vegetation and litter cover in maintaining infiltration capacity and soil stability. Infiltration is also affected significantly by soil properties, notably bulk density, aggregation, and moisture content.
  • Growing Deer Food Amidst Southern Timber

    Halls, L. K. (Society for Range Management, 1970-05-01)
    In addition to growing timber, pine-hardwood forests of the South produce food for white-tailed deer. The food yields, and thus deer populations, are governed by timber stand density, frequency of timber cuttings, size and distribution of harvest cutting units, and application of prescribed burning.
  • Grazing Habits, Diet and Performance of Sheep on Alpine Ranges

    Strasia, C. A.; Thorn, M.; Rice, R. W.; Smith, D. R. (Society for Range Management, 1970-05-01)
    An Alpine range, average elevation 3,200m, was divided. One portion was fenced and sheep were allowed to graze it freely, the other was managed by a herder. The grazing season was for 60 days during July and August. Diet samples for botanical analyses were collected by esophageal fistulated sheep. Generally the grazing behavior of the free sheep was similar to the herded group except that the band was somewhat more loosely organized in the absence of a herder. Nitrogen and in vitro digestibility of diet samples were slightly lower and fiber and cellulose slightly higher from the free grazed sheep. There were no differences in the botanical composition of diet samples from the two groups. The sheep ate more forbs early in the grazing period. They were more selective in choice of grass and sedge species than in choice of forb species eaten. There were no differences in lamb gains during the grazing period.
  • Fall Gains of Steers Fed Cottonseed Cake on Shortgrass Range

    Bement, R. E. (Society for Range Management, 1970-05-01)
    Cottonseed cake, fed to steers in the fall, increased the efficiency of forage utilization but did not produce sufficient additional gain on shortgrass range to be economically feasible.
  • Factors Influencing Broadcast Seeding in Bunchgrass Range

    Nelson, J. R.; Wilson, A. M.; Goebel, C. J. (Society for Range Management, 1970-05-01)
    The objective of this work was to evaluate problems of broadcast seeding perennial grasses on steep or rocky rangelands that cannot be seeded by conventional methods. Depredation of seeds by rodents and birds limited the effectiveness of broadcast seedings but not of drilled seedings. Drilled seeds remained in relatively constant and favorable soil moisture, and carried on metabolic processes rapidly and without interruption. Broadcast seeds were exposed to rapidly fluctuating moisture conditions which resulted in the frequent starting and stopping of germination processes. In drilled seedings, seven perennial grasses gave good seedling stands. In broadcast seedings, Sherman big bluegrass (Poa ampla) gave the best seedling stands. Ineffectiveness in controlling cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) and other competing species was the main obstacle to seedling establishment. Successful establishment of seeded grasses appeared to be related to rate of penetration of seedling roots.
  • Effects of Nitrogen Source and Phosphorus on Crested Wheatgrass Growth and Water Use

    Power, J. F.; Alessi, J. (Society for Range Management, 1970-05-01)
    The effects of four nitrogen (N) sources upon crested wheatgrass growth were studied for five years at Mandan, North Dakota. The four sources-ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate, calcium nitrate, and urea-were applied annually at rates of up to 160 lb N/acre both with and without annual phosphorus (P) fertilization. Dry matter production of crested wheatgrass was increased by N and P fertilization in all years. Only in years of higher production did higher N rate, N source, or any interactions, influence yields. Average yields for the 5-year period were also increased by fertilization with P and with increasing rates of N-but were not influenced by N source. Responses to N fertilization increased by about 380 and 490 pounds for each acre-inch increase in water supply (above 5 inches) with and without P, respectively. In contrast, response to P fertilization was about 50 lb/acre-inch regardless of water supply. Dry matter production and response to N fertilization were both closely correlated with May precipitation (r is greater than or equal to 0.89).
  • Effect of Soil Depth on Plant Production

    McColley, P. D.; Hodgkinson, H. S. (Society for Range Management, 1970-05-01)
    Soil depth is an important factor to consider when evaluating forage production on range soils. Three soils with different soil depths produced different kinds and amounts of vegetation. The Bakeoven cobbly silt loam (5 inches to basalt bedrock) produced 158.7 lb/acre. The Kuhl silt loam (12 inches to basalt bedrock) produced 620.0 lb/acre. The Anders silt loam (25 inches to basalt bedrock) produced 869.4 lb/acre.
  • Effect of Clipping Interval on Botanical Composition of Subterranean Clover and Its Associated Plants

    Murphy, A. H.; Jones, M. B.; Love, R. M. (Society for Range Management, 1970-05-01)
    The use of subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum) as a livestock feed for range pastures in California is receiving widespread acceptance; best use interval information is needed. A clipping interval of 1-, 2-, 4-, and 6-weeks and no clipping was compared to determine the effect of clipping interval on botanical composition. No consistent difference in the botanical composition of subclover resulted from clipping interval, after the first two years. The unclipped treatment was mostly grass while the composition of subclover diminished each year until none was present in the sixth year. Clipping reduced the percentage of grass and the interval did not make any consistent difference. Composition of forbs in the unclipped treatment was markedly increased by clipping; however, the interval produced no consistent difference. Yields taken in the sixth clipping year showed only minor difference due to clipping interval.
  • Breaking Dormancy of Longleaf Uniola Seeds

    Wolters, G. L. (Society for Range Management, 1970-05-01)
    Both speed and completeness of germination of longleaf uniola (Uniola sessiliflora) were raised to acceptable levels by prechilling caryopses at 2 C for 4 to 6 weeks, then germinating them in constant darkness with alternating temperatures of 20 and 40 C. Constant temperatures with or without illumination were less effective than alternating temperatures and constant darkness. Dormancy was not substantially reduced by preheating, freezing, removing bracts, soaking in water, moistening seeds with a KNO3 solution, or puncturing seedcoats.
  • Behavior of Yearling Cattle on Eastern Oregon Range

    Sneva, F. A. (Society for Range Management, 1970-05-01)
    Brahman x Hereford and Hereford yearling steers, grazing a sagebrush-bunchgrass range in eastern Oregon, displayed a distinct early morning, late evening, and a variable midday grazing pattern. Bedding occurred after 9 pm and little or no grazing activity was observed between that time and daybreak. The distribution of activity by these yearling steers during the grazing day was similar to that of cows grazing semi-arid ranges as reported by others. Three-fourths of the total travel time but only 20% of the total grazing time occurred around the time of watering.
  • Behavior of Fistulated Steers on a Desert Grassland

    Zemo, T.; Klemmedson, J. O. (Society for Range Management, 1970-05-01)
    Behavior of four ruminal fistulated steers was studied for a 60-day period in mid-summer on mesquite and mesquite-free desert grassland pastures near Tucson, Arizona. Steers consistently grazed during four definite daylight grazing periods and two nighttime periods throughout the study. The four steers were remarkably similar in their activities and differed only in salting time; their activities did not appear to differ from those of intact cattle. Activities were similar on mesquite and mesquite-free pastures. As the grazing season advanced and forage matured, rumination time increased and frequency of urination declined. Other behavioral activities of the steers were unaffected by sources of variation studied.
  • A Field Stereophotographic Technique for Range Vegetation Analysis

    Pierce, W. R.; Eddleman, L. E. (Society for Range Management, 1970-05-01)
    Color negative film used in a camera with a lens providing a good depth of field at short focal distances has produced stereo color prints that permit accurate identification and measurement of range vegetation with a pocket stereoscope. This system can overcome many of the problems of inventorying a range.