Welcome to the Rangeland Ecology & Management archives. The journal Rangeland Ecology & Management (RE&M; v58, 2005-present) is the successor to the Journal of Range Management (JRM; v. 1-57, 1948-2004.) The archives provide public access, in a "rolling window" agreement with the Society for Range Management, to both titles (JRM and RE&M), from v.1 up to five years from the present year.

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Print ISSN: 0022-409x

Online ISSN: 1550-7424


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Recent Submissions

  • Yield of Crested Wheatgrass Following Release from Sagebrush Competition by 2,4-D

    Robertson, J. H. (Society for Range Management, 1969-07-01)
    Rate of increase in yield of crested wheatgrass following use of herbicide on associated sagebrush was measured over four years, including the year of treatment. Significant increases in yield, which were probably worthwhile economically, did not begin until the third year after spraying.
  • Water Use, Adaptability, and Chemical Composition of Grasses Seeded at High Elevations

    Tew, R. K. (Society for Range Management, 1969-07-01)
    Soil moisture depletion varied directly with extent of top and root growth of five grass species seeded on four areas between 6,500 and 8,500 ft in northern Utah. Smooth bromegrass and intermediate wheatgrass had greater root and top growth and used the most moisture at the lower elevation site where temperatures were highest, but timothy and orchardgrass grew best at higher elevations. Timothy contained low levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium on all sites, whereas tall oatgrass and orchardgrass contained high levels.
  • Water Control by Rangeland Management

    Biswell, H. H. (Society for Range Management, 1969-07-01)
    In rangeland management, water quantity and quality are related to range condition. The better the range condition, the better the water relationships. Range condition can be improved by regulating grazing, reseeding, fertilizing, type conversions, and contour furrowing and pitting. Rangelands are highly variable in nearly every respect. The range manager must understand the climatic/topographic/soil/plant/animal/water relationships for the areas under his control; he must have sound management objectives; and he must be willing to work toward those objectives in so far as is economically feasible.
  • Quantitative Assessment of Grazing Behaviour of Sheep in Arid Areas

    Dudzinski, M. L.; Pahl, P. J.; Arnold, G. W. (Society for Range Management, 1969-07-01)
    Five indices are suggested to quantify components of spatial distribution of grazing sheep which were observed by aerial photography. Indices based on sheep numbers were more sensitive to environmental changes than those based on distances between sheep. It is suggested that the adjustment takes place by a change in the numbers within independently grazing flocks, while social contact between sheep, as reflected by various nearest-neighbour distances, remains unaltered.
  • Place of the range professional in worldwide agricultural development

    Hedrick, D. W. (Society for Range Management, 1969-07-01)
  • Plant Response and Cattle Gains on Sherman Big Bluegrass

    Currie, P. O. (Society for Range Management, 1969-07-01)
    Under season-long grazing of Sherman big bluegrass, utilization to a 4-inch stubble height was better than lighter or heavier grazing for sustained forage production and ground cover. Heavy grazing associated with drought resulted in severe deterioration of the grass stands. Beef gains from the recommended rate of grazing averaged 78 lb/acre. This beef gain was higher than for any other seeded or native species tested at the Manitou Experimental Forest, Colorado.
  • Nature and Successional Status of Western Juniper Vegetation in Idaho

    Burkhardt, J. W.; Tisdale, E. W. (Society for Range Management, 1969-07-01)
    Western juniper invasion of sagebrush-bunchgrass vegetation in southwestern Idaho was verified. The invasion started about 1860 and is continuing at present. Juniper was found to be climax on rocky ridges and rimrocks where soil development is limited. Seral juniper stands were found on the deeper soils of valley slopes and bottoms. These sites were previously occupied by productive sagebrush-grass stands. It appears that juniper control would be more beneficial on invaded sites than on climax juniper sites.
  • Interseeding Sideoats Grama on the Texas High Plains

    Robertson, T. E.; Box, T. W. (Society for Range Management, 1969-07-01)
    Sideoats grama was interseeded in grass stands representing intermediate stages of succession near Amarillo, Texas. Seedings at 0.5-inch depth were more successful than at one-inch. Addition of 30 lb/acre nitrogen fertilizer or legume (alfalfa) to the seeding did not increase the seedling establishment. Better grass stands with less competition from non-seeded species was obtained from seeding in late May than in March, April, or June. Highest total survival of grass seedlings was also from the May seedings.
  • Is Deferment Always Needed After Chemical Control of Sagebrush?

    Smith, D. R. (Society for Range Management, 1969-07-01)
    The effects of 0, 1, 2, and 3 years of grazing deferment after sagebrush control were compared on subalpine ranges of the Big Horn Mountains in Wyoming. On units open to grazing, utilization of Idaho fescue was generally below the level which sustains yield under season-long grazing. Under such conditions, the desirable forage grasses quickly increased in vigor and revegetated the area after sagebrush was killed. Continued moderate utilization did not retard the revegetation process or influence the subsequent reinvasion of sagebrush.
  • Influence of Age and Awn Removal on Dormancy of Medusahead (Taeniatherum asperum) Seeds

    Nelson, J. R.; Wilson, A. M. (Society for Range Management, 1969-07-01)
    The effects of seed age and awn removal were studied in two medusahead strains having different post-maturity seed dormancy characteristics. Awn removal increased the percentage germination. The proximity of removed awns inhibited the germination of deawned seeds. Dormancy of intact seeds and inhibitory effects of awns decreased with increasing age of seeds.
  • Germination and Emergence of Different Age Seeds of Six Grasses

    Shaidaee, G.; Dahl, B. E.; Hansen, R. M. (Society for Range Management, 1969-07-01)
    Different aged seeds of six grass varieties were tested for percentage laboratory germination and percentage field emergence. Best age of seed for planting differed greatly among the varieties and the results from laboratory and field tests were not always consistent. One-year-old seeds of sand bluestem, blue grama and A-6606 switchgrass; two-year-old side-oats grama and yellow indiangrass; and seven-year-old Grenville switchgrass seeds had emerged best at the end of the field test. Except for sandhill bluestem, seeds two years and older emerged faster, a factor that may be important in successful field establishment of seeded grasses.
  • Germination of Kochia americana in Relation to Salinity

    Clarke, L. D.; West, N. E. (Society for Range Management, 1969-07-01)
    Kochia americana, desert molly, is a forage species of the western U.S.A. which grows on highly saline soils. This study, which shows that desert molly can germinate at much higher salinities than other halophytic forage plants, encourages further work on the species in hope that it can be used in revegetation of depleted salt desert sites.
  • Forage Production on a Clay Upland Range Site in Western Kansas

    Hulett, G. K.; Tomanek, G. W. (Society for Range Management, 1969-07-01)
    Forage production on clay upland range sites is related to seasonal precipitation, with May + June precipitation the most reliable predictor of total forage production. Annual carrying capacities, based on May + June precipitation, for a clay upland site range from 2 acres/AUM in wet years through 3 acres/AUM in average years to 4 acres/AUM in dry years.
  • Establishment and Yield Responses of Warm-Season Grass Strains to Fertilization

    Warnes, D. D.; Newell, L. C. (Society for Range Management, 1969-07-01)
    Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization on stand establishment and yield of 5 warm-season prairie grasses were observed on 12 problem sites in Nebraska. Annual nitrogen fertilization after the establishment year maintained superior stands and increased forage yields of the experimental varieties. Proper timing and rate of nitrogen fertilization produced vigorous growth of the planted grasses which in turn controlled soil erosion and reduced weed invasion; whereas untimely mowing and fertilization increased cool-season weeds. Late-maturing strains of the warm-season grasses produced better stands than early-maturing strains. Where not limited by soil moisture or shortness of season, the late-maturing strains of switchgrass, indiangrass, and big bluestem produced larger yields than early-maturing strains of these grasses.
  • Effects of a Wildfire on Several Desert Grassland Shrub Species

    White, L. D. (Society for Range Management, 1969-07-01)
    Sprouting ability and survival of six shrub species were observed following a June, 1963 wildfire. Sprout production and survival varied among species and initial class of damage. Larchleaf goldenweed was very sensitive to burning and should be easily controlled by fire. Mesquite, ocotillo, and Wheeler sotol were moderately sensitive to the fire. Control of these species would probably vary with the conditions and type of burn. The fire did not adversely affect false-mesquite or velvetpod mimosa. Established stands of these two species may not be reduced by burning. However, increased density might be prevented if burning occurred before young plants were capable of sprouting.
  • An Evaluation of Range Floodwater Spreaders

    Miller, R. F.; McQueen, I. S.; Branson, F. A.; Shown, L. M.; Fuller, W. (Society for Range Management, 1969-07-01)
    Range floodwater spreaders are systems of dikes constructed to automatically divert flood flows from gullies and spread them over adjacent range land. The primary purpose of the investigation was to determine what factors influence vegetal response to this supplemental moisture. Forage was established and produced only on sites that received at least one flooding per year. Forage production per unit of water was less when water was ponded and could not drain completely from the soil surface. The total moisture retention capacity of the A and B horizons had more influence than soil texture on the amount of forage produced.
  • Animal Performance on Crested Wheatgrass Pastures During May and June, Fort Rock, Oregon

    Hedrick, D. W.; Moser, W. M.; Steninger, A. L.; Long, R. A. (Society for Range Management, 1969-07-01)
    Average animal performance data of 1.5 lb/animal daily gain, two calendar months of grazing, and 20 lb/acre gain were obtained from 5 years of using crested wheatgrass under a 2-crop (May) and 1-crop (June) system of grazing. Regrowth was obtained on early use (2-crop) pastures in only 2 out of the 5 years. Extension of results to users was hastened by involving ranchers, a county agent, and a federal agency manager in the study