Welcome to the Rangeland Ecology & Management archives. The journal Rangeland Ecology & Management (RE&M; v58, 2005-present) is the successor to the Journal of Range Management (JRM; v. 1-57, 1948-2004.) The archives provide public access, in a "rolling window" agreement with the Society for Range Management, to both titles (JRM and RE&M), from v.1 up to five years from the present year.

The most recent years of RE&M are available through membership in the Society for Range Management (SRM). Membership in SRM is a means to access current information and dialogue on rangeland management.

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Print ISSN: 0022-409x

Online ISSN: 1550-7424


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Recent Submissions

  • Seasonal Suitability, A Grazing System for Ranges of Diverse Vegetation Types and Condition Classes

    Valentine, K. A. (Society for Range Management, 1967-11-01)
    Seasonal suitability grazing, a grazing system long in use on southwestern ranges, consists of grazing diverse vegetation types in accord with seasonal use requirements of and benefits to vegetation and livestock. On ranges of diverse vegetation types, it is a superior system with respect to maintenance and improvement of the range, harvest of forage and livestock production.
  • Rangelands—Challenge to the Nation

    Jensen, James H. (Society for Range Management, 1967-11-01)
    Rangeland is nominated as the least understood natural resource. Underlined is the importance of human effort in the various work fields and the rights of individuals and publics. Conclusion is a five point summary of challenges ahead for rangeland management.
  • Rangelands—Challenge to the Mind

    Thorne, W. (Society for Range Management, 1967-11-01)
    The challenge to the range manager and scientist is to seek the greatest possible insights and understanding of range resources; then to evaluate and systematize information about these lands so their use can be integrated into local, state, and national goals. Our challenge comes from each other and from the needs of society.
  • Profitability and Flexibility of Two Range Cattle Systems in the Rolling Plains of Texas

    Boykin, C. C. (Society for Range Management, 1967-11-01)
    Adjusting cattle inventories to changes in range forage supply is a major problem in ranching. A costs and income analysis of a cow-calf system and of a cow-yearling system over a 10-year period of changing prices and range forage supplies revealed little difference in relative profitability between the two systems when additional replacements were purchased in response to increases in range forage supply. When additional replacements were raised, the cow-yearling system proved to be more profitable and more flexible than the cow-calf system. In shifting to a cow-yearling system, breeding cow numbers must be reduced in proportion to the increase in yearlings if overgrazing is to be avoided.
  • Herbage Responses to Fire and Litter Removal on Southern Bluestem Range

    Grelen, H. E.; Epps, E. (Society for Range Management, 1967-11-01)
    Yield and nutrient content of herbage on burned plots differed little from that on plots that were closely mowed and raked. Thus, the beneficial effects of burning were attributed mainly to litter removal.
  • Grazing Systems as Methods of Managing the Range Resources

    Anderson, E. W. (Society for Range Management, 1967-11-01)
    Experience has proven that an effective grazing system is both practical and scientifically sound. An effective grazing system must be tailored to the resource. It must provide for flexibility. There are certain principles which need to be observed. The efficiency of grazing within a pasture is an important factor which can be determined. It denotes the degree of success being obtained by the grazing system and points out where corrective range management is needed. In today's range livestock industry with its notably low rate of net return on investment, efficiency is of prime concern. Ranchers are faced with rising costs of range livestock ranching and the need for increased efficiency in order to stay in the business and meet the rising demand for red meat. They must, therefore, look critically at the remaining big opportunity for increased efficiency-their rangeland. Some ranchers already have recognized and made this essential move. They realize that rangeland producing less than it could increases the cost of operation as compared to rangeland in full production. Reducing cost of operation is a major item for increasing net return on investment.
  • First Twenty Years of the American Society of Range Management

    Freeman, J. D. (Society for Range Management, 1967-11-01)
    A summary of ASRM accomplishments during the first 20 years, related in terms of the first 20 presidents of the Society.
  • Fire Effects on Blue Grama-Pinyon-Juniper Rangeland in New Mexico

    Dwyer, D. D.; Pieper, R. D. (Society for Range Management, 1967-11-01)
    Study of an April 1964 fire in the blue grama-pinyon-juniper vegetation type of New Mexico showed that forage production was reduced significantly the first year on the burned area but recovered by the end of the second. Species composition of herbaceous vegetation was not significantly affected. Loss of live grass crowns was fully recovered by the second year. Litter was significantly less on the burned area all three years of the study. About 24% of the juniper and 13.5% of the pinyon pine were killed by the fire. Cholla less than one ft tall were damaged more by the fire than those 2 to 3 ft tall.
  • Effect of Seedling Numbers on Bitterbrush Survival

    Ferguson, R. B.; Basile, J. V. (Society for Range Management, 1967-11-01)
    In southwestern Idaho, a good stand of bitterbrush contains from 800 to 1,000 plants per acre; reseeding programs should aim for a similar density of shrubs. The chance that any seed spot may contain at least one live seedling at the end of the first growing season appears to be directly correlated with the initial number of seedlings that emerge from that spot. Any seedling in a group that emerges from one spot is more likely to survive than a lone seedling emerging from a given spot.
  • Discovering Grazing Values

    Roberts, N. K. (Society for Range Management, 1967-11-01)
    Are market forces at work in determining range forage values? This study tests the hypothesis that market forces are at work in spite of the facts of administered grazing fees, rationing, and grazing control. The evidence in the research supports the hypothesis, and it should assist ranchers and public land agencies in their deliberations on adjusting public land grazing policies.
  • Crested Wheatgrass for Spring Grazing in Northern New Mexico

    Springfield, H. W.; Reid, Elbert H. (Society for Range Management, 1967-11-01)
    Seeding crested wheatgrass (Agropyron desertorum (Fisch.) Schult.) has been an exciting and noteworthy development in northern New Mexico. Private ranchers and land-managing agencies have enthusiastically adopted the practice, and for good reasons. Crested wheatgrass is productive and relatively easy to establish on northern New Mexico rangelands. It appears to be long-lived, despite being at the southern limits of its range of adaptability. It regrows with summer rains, and reproduces well from seed. Its big selling point, however, is its ability to furnish succulent, nutritious forage well ahead of native ranges in early spring, at the very time it is most needed by cows and ewes to maintain a flow of milk for their young.
  • Contrasting Responses of Squirreltail and Needleandthread to Herbage Removal

    Wright, H. A. (Society for Range Management, 1967-11-01)
    Clipping squirreltail and needleandthread from preseed formation to postseed formation affected herbage yields least at seed cast. After seed cast during summer months, clipping damaged squirreltail mildly, but damaged needleandthread seriously. Squirreltail became dormant in July, so it resisted serious damage by clipping after that time. By contrast, needleandthread did not become dormant at any time in summer so it did not resist serious damage. If plants are dormant, grazing may not be very harmful to them regardless of the stage of plant development. On the other hand, if the plants are not dormant, rest from grazing when temperatures are high might be more desirable than rest from grazing during seed formation.
  • Chemical Curing of Range Grasses with Paraquat

    Sneva, F. A. (Society for Range Management, 1967-11-01)
    Low concentrations of paraquat, when applied to range grasses at anthesis, effectively arrested the redistribution of nutrients in the herbage portions during curing. Treated herbage, high in estimated feed value and saved "on the stump" for later use by grazing animals may be another useful tool for the western livestock producer. The results warrant continued investigations with paraquat and other chemicals which may have similar characteristics when applied to grass herbage.
  • Cattle Diet Digestibilities Determined from Components

    Pearson, Henry A. (Society for Range Management, 1967-11-01)
    In vitro digestibilities of diet mixtures and of individual forage species, adjusted for their relative proportions in the range cattle diet, were interchangeable.
  • Boysag Point: A Relict Area on the North Rim of the Grand Canyon in Arizona

    Schmutz, E.; Michaels, C. C., & Judd, B. I. (Society for Range Management, 1967-11-01)
    Boysag Point, a 70-acre relatively ungrazed area in the pinon-juniper-sagebrush type, is described and compared to an adjacent grazed Mainland area. The Point had 88 species, the Mainland 38. Trees and shrubs made up 60% of the vegetation on the Point and 90% on the Mainland; Perennial grasses 36 and 6%, respectively; annual grasses and forbs 4% on each area. Average herbage production was 413 and 287 lb, respectively. Differences were attributed to grazing effects.
  • Arthur W. Sampson—Pioneer Range Scientist

    Parker, K. W.; Chapline, W. R. (Society for Range Management, 1967-11-01)
    Arthur W. Sampson, internationally known range scientist, plant ecologist and professor of forestry, died of pneumonia in San Francisco, California, February 7, 1967. This brief biography by his former close friends, associates, and students is affectionately dedicated to his memory.