Welcome to the Rangeland Ecology & Management archives. The journal Rangeland Ecology & Management (RE&M; v58, 2005-present) is the successor to the Journal of Range Management (JRM; v. 1-57, 1948-2004.) The archives provide public access, in a "rolling window" agreement with the Society for Range Management, to both titles (JRM and RE&M), from v.1 up to five years from the present year.

The most recent years of RE&M are available through membership in the Society for Range Management (SRM). Membership in SRM is a means to access current information and dialogue on rangeland management.

Your institution may also have access to current issues through library or institutional subscriptions.

Print ISSN: 0022-409x

Online ISSN: 1550-7424


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Recent Submissions

  • Viability of Grass Seed After Long Uncontrolled Storage

    Tiedemann, Arthur R.; Pond, Floyd W. (Society for Range Management, 1967-07-01)
    In 1961, germination tests were made on seeds of 12 southwestern grass species collected between 1933 and 1939. Some seeds of vine-mesquite, silver beardgrass, curlymesquite, and Arizona cottontop remained viable, even though stored with no control of humidity or temperature.
  • Thickening and Spread of Crested Wheatgrass Stands on Southern Idaho Ranges

    Hull, A. C.; Klomp, G. J. (Society for Range Management, 1967-07-01)
    Crested and fairway wheatgrass stands thickened and plants spread to adjacent areas from 1954 to 1966 on six experimental areas in southern Idaho. Drilling produced 10 times more seedlings than broadcasting, and stands reached full production much sooner. Plant survival and final numbers were greatest on the plowed, burned, and untreated seedbeds, in that order.
  • The Relationship of Tree Overstory and Herbaceous Understory Vegetation

    Jameson, D. A. (Society for Range Management, 1967-07-01)
    For study of the effect of trees on understory vegetation a good mathematical equation is very helpful. This article presents an equation which fits overstory-understory data better than previously used equations.
  • My Range Use Affects Salmon and Steelhead Production

    Gover, W. C. (Society for Range Management, 1967-07-01)
    The Gover Ranch carries out a program of streambank manipulation and shore protection that maintains suitable spawning grounds for king salmon and steelhead. Estimated values are very high.
  • Mechanical Control and Fertilization as Brush Management Practices Affect Forage Production in South Texas

    Powell, J.; Box, T. W. (Society for Range Management, 1967-07-01)
    Brush control methods involving a minimum of soil disturbance were the most reliable methods of improving successional stage and increasing forage production. Soil disturbance retarded plant succession and caused a large fluctuation in yearly forage production. Nitrogen fertilizer increased forage production, but adversely affected species composition unless applied in conjunction with mowing. Mowing, as a follow-up maintenance practice, improved range condition, increased forage production on all brush control plots, and greatly increased the beneficial effects of all fertilizer treatments.
  • Influences of Grazing and Fire on Vegetation and Soil of Longleaf Pine-Bluestem Range

    Duvall, V. L.; Linnartz, N. E. (Society for Range Management, 1967-07-01)
    Herbage yield and density of cover were greater on moderately or heavily grazed than on ungrazed range. Botanical composition remained relatively constant under moderate use but changed markedly on ungrazed and heavily grazed ranges. Grazing compacted soils, but insufficiently to impair herbage growth or accelerate erosion. Fire had little long-range effect.
  • How Heavy Grazing and Protection Affect Sagebrush-Grass Ranges

    Laycock, W. A. (Society for Range Management, 1967-07-01)
    Heavy late-fall grazing by sheep following spring deferment improves deteriorated sagebrush-grass ranges by reducing sagebrush and increasing the production of grasses and forbs. Fall grazing as a method for range improvement is more effective and practical than complete protection from grazing and is less expensive than mechanical or chemical means of sagebrush control. Heavy spring grazing damages good-condition ranges by increasing sagebrush and reducing herbaceous production.
  • Herbage Production on High Sierra Nevada Meadows

    Sanderson, H. Reed (Society for Range Management, 1967-07-01)
    A preliminary sample of five High Sierra Nevada meadows in California ranged from 835 to 1,436 lb/acre of herbaceous material, with sedges contributing more than grasses.
  • Forage Analysis as Influenced by Sampling Position and Processing

    Beaty, E. R.; Miller, W. J.; Brooks, O. L (Society for Range Management, 1967-07-01)
    Collecting a representative sample of conserved forage is necessary if such practices as forage testing are to be meaningful. When uniform samples of Coastal bermudagrass and alfalfa were systematically sampled in nine different ways, the coefficient of variation for crude fiber and protein averaged approximately 5%. Sampling procedures satisfactory for one species may well be unsatisfactory for another.
  • Fertilization and Its Effect on Range Improvement in the Northern Great Plains

    Cosper, H. R.; Thomas, J. R.; Alsayegh, A. Y. (Society for Range Management, 1967-07-01)
  • Eurotia lanata Establishment Trials

    Statler, Glen D. (Society for Range Management, 1967-07-01)
    Eurotia lanata has been diminishing from the vast acreages once found throughout the west. Fattening and nutritious qualities, coupled with rapid growth even in an arid habitat, make it a valuable semi-shrub worthy of cultivation. Seeding trials during spring and fall 1964 near Laramie showed best results from the May 17 seeding date and 0.25-inch depth of seeding.
  • Effect of Grazing Intensity on Plant Composition, Vigor, and Production

    Hazell, D. B. (Society for Range Management, 1967-07-01)
    Two loamy prairie pastures were studied to determine the effect of different grazing intensities on botanical composition, herbage production, and plant vigor. Indications are that heavy grazing causes a decrease in range condition, an increase in undesirable grasses and forbs, and a decrease in vigor. Heavy grazing did not affect basal density.
  • Editorial: The Use of Common Names in The Journal of Range Management

    Beetle, A. A. (Society for Range Management, 1967-07-01)
  • Editorial: Range Management's Share of Agricultural Research

    Box, T. W. (Society for Range Management, 1967-07-01)
  • Does Your Range Have Wheatgrass Bugs?

    Bohning, J. W.; Currier, W. F. (Society for Range Management, 1967-07-01)
  • Cheatgrass Coloration—A Key to Flammability?

    Mutch, Robert W. (Society for Range Management, 1967-07-01)
    The drying rate of cheatgrass was studied on four plots in western Montana and northern Idaho. The characteristic color changes in cheatgrass while it is curing (from green to purple to straw color) are proposed as an indicator of impending flammability because these colors are generally correlated with progressive drying of plants.
  • Bud Activity in the Stem, Crown, and Rhizome Tissue of Switchgrass

    Heidemann, G. S.; Van Riper, G. E. (Society for Range Management, 1967-07-01)
    Bud activity appears to be cyclic in nature in the switchgrass plant. Certain vegetative buds are dormant while others are active during the growing season. This study suggests that switchgrass should be grazed prior to floral initiation so that maximum forage production can be obtained from activated stem buds.
  • Beef Production on Lodgepole Pine-Pinegrass Range in Southern British Columbia

    McLean, A. (Society for Range Management, 1967-07-01)
    Yearling steers on lodgepole pine-pinegrass summer range in British Columbia had an average daily gain of 1.75 lb for 103 days per year over a 5-year period. The average gain per acre was 19.3 lb for the season and the average stocking rate was 4.8 acres per AUM. Pinegrass, which provided over 50% of the forage yield, was readily accepted by cattle during early summer but became unpalatable by mid August.