Welcome to the Rangeland Ecology & Management archives. The journal Rangeland Ecology & Management (RE&M; v58, 2005-present) is the successor to the Journal of Range Management (JRM; v. 1-57, 1948-2004.) The archives provide public access, in a "rolling window" agreement with the Society for Range Management, to both titles (JRM and RE&M), from v.1 up to five years from the present year.

The most recent years of RE&M are available through membership in the Society for Range Management (SRM). Membership in SRM is a means to access current information and dialogue on rangeland management.

Your institution may also have access to current issues through library or institutional subscriptions.

Print ISSN: 0022-409x

Online ISSN: 1550-7424


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Recent Submissions

  • The Range Society is at the Crossroads

    Pechanec, J. F. (Society for Range Management, 1967-05-01)
    The American Society of Range Management has come far in its first 20 years, as the sole professional organization with conservation of rangelands as its dominant objective. But in the meantime, urbanization and increased leisure for more people have changed our environment. The Range Society should accept broader professional concern for all matters pertaining to range in tomorrow's environment. We need to assemble facts and establish strong policy regarding conservation and use of rangelands. Finally we need closer ties with user groups and other professional natural resource organizations-to carry out our objectives.
  • Seeding Sherman Big Bluegrass

    Currie, P. O. (Society for Range Management, 1967-05-01)
    Sherman big bluegrass was successfully established by planting into summer-fallowed land with a double-disc, depth-band drill to control seeding depth at 5/8-inch. Planting during July and August into a moist seedbed gave optimum seedling establishment. Weed competition and erosion on the summer-fallowed land was reduced by leaving the ground in rough-plowed condition until immediately before seeding.
  • Seasonal Protein of Four Prairie Grasses

    Rodgers, J. Daniel; Box, Thadis W. (Society for Range Management, 1967-05-01)
    Seasonal protein percentages of buffalograss, blue grama, sideoats grama and black grama were highest in June and lowest in February and March. Blue grama contained the highest average per cent protein. Buffalograss showed the least yearly fluctuation. Average protein percentages of the four grasses seldom met protein requirements for beef cows.
  • Root and Shoot Growth of Five Range Grasses

    Dalrymple, R. L.; Dwyer, D. D. (Society for Range Management, 1967-05-01)
    Five range grasses were studied at relatively young ages. Sideoats grama had the most rapid root and shoot increase and produced the most quantity. Root growth of all species was initially rapid. Root: shoot ratios were consistently above 1.0 for all grasses.
  • Responses of Southern Range Cattle to Protein Supplementation

    Duvall, V. L.; Hansard, S. L. (Society for Range Management, 1967-05-01)
    Reproductive performance of range cows receiving 312 lb of cottonseed cake between November 1 and March 31 equaled that of cows receiving 432 lb fed from October through May, or 555 lb fed throughout the year. High-treatment cows were consistently heavier than those receiving medium or low rations. Cows fed the low ration were highest in plasma vitamin A, but other blood constituents were unaffected.
  • Plant Succession with Released Grazing on New Mexico Range Lands

    Potter, L. D.; Krenetsky, J. C. (Society for Range Management, 1967-05-01)
    After 25 years of protection from grazing, grassland plots tripled in percent of ground cover of grasses. Grazed desert grasslands showed continued increases of mesquite. Protection resulted in remarkable increases in grass cover in ponderosa pine and aspen types.
  • Improvement and Management of Cub River Cattle Range in Southeast Idaho

    Roberts, R. B. (Society for Range Management, 1967-05-01)
    Grazing on the Cub River Range started about 1860. From this beginning the history, development, management, and multiple uses of the area show remarkable changes. Through cooperation, management of mountain ranges such as this is possible.
  • Ground Treatments for Control of Winged Elm on Rangeland

    Kirby, R.; Stryker, P.; Santelmann, P. (Society for Range Management, 1967-05-01)
    A few soil, basal bark, and foliar-applied herbicides caused good control of small winged elm trees but many did not. However basal injection treatments appeared to be very promising. Undiluted injected herbicides were very successful. Picloram and 2,4,5-T generally gave the best results.
  • Gross Energy Value of Aboveground Pargs of Alpine Plants

    Smith, Dixie R. (Society for Range Management, 1967-05-01)
    Gross energy of aboveground parts of alpine plants averaged 4.16 kcal/g during the summer months. This is below the average values reported by other authors.
  • Grazing of Alfalfa Varieties and Observation on Bloat

    Ashford, R.; Heinrichs, D. H. (Society for Range Management, 1967-05-01)
    Cattle grazed four alfalfa varieties grown on dryland at Swift Current, Saskatchewan, from 1963 to 1965. No severe symptoms of bloat occurred in any year and there was no evidence that any one variety had a greater tendency to cause bloat than another. The variety Rambler yielded the most forage and provided the most cattle days of grazing per acre, followed by Siberian, Grimm and Alfa. The stands of Grimm and Alfa were considerably thinner than those of Rambler and Siberian indicating that their persistence was poorer.
  • Grazing and Fertilization Affect Root Development of Range Grasses

    Lorenz, R. J.; Rogler, G. A. (Society for Range Management, 1967-05-01)
    Grazing intensity of native range had little effect on total root weight, but under heavy grazing the percentage of total roots in the upper foot was greater than under moderate grazing. Thirty lb of N significantly increased root weight in the 4-ft profile. Ninety lb of N did not further increase root weight although top growth was significantly increased.
  • Fire Effects on Semidesert Grasses and Shrubs

    Cable, D. R. (Society for Range Management, 1967-05-01)
    Immediate effects of fire on perennial grasses lasted only 1 or 2 years. Burroweed was easily killed, but came back quickly with adequate cool-season moisture. Fire was relatively ineffective against mesquite, fair against cactus.
  • Estimating Foliage Yields on Utah Juniper from Measurements of Crown Diameter

    Mason, L. R.; Hutchings, S. S. (Society for Range Management, 1967-05-01)
    This study indicates that tree foliage yield can be approximated from crown measurements. The relation between crown and foliage production is improved by including ratings of foliage denseness (sparse, medium, and dense) and soil characteristics. Such estimates are needed to fully evaluate site potential and condition of rangeland occupied by trees.
  • Effect of Grazing on Soil Compaction as Measured by Bulk Density on A High Elevation Cattle Range

    Laycock, W. A.; Conrad, P. W. (Society for Range Management, 1967-05-01)
    Bulk density of the soil in grazed plots was similar to that in ungrazed exclosures both in early summer before grazing and in late summer after grazing. Increases in bulk density during the summer both in grazed and ungrazed areas were attributed to changes in soil moisture. Soils in early summer were moist and swollen and thus weighed less per unit volume than did the dry soils in late summer.
  • Depth to Seed Fourwing Saltbush

    Springfield, H. W.; Bell, Donald G. (Society for Range Management, 1967-05-01)
    De-winged seeds of fourwing saltbush were sown at 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0-inch depths in two soils. Total seedling emergence at the end of 30 days was greater, and the rate of emergence higher from the shallower depths of seeding. Seeding depths of 0.5 to 1.0 inch are suggested for dewinged seeds.
  • Chemical Control of and Old Stand of Chaparral to Increase Range Productivity

    Perry, C. A.; McKell, C. M.; Goodwin, J. R.; Little, T. M. (Society for Range Management, 1967-05-01)
    Spraying of an old stand of chaparral with herbicides was shown to increase range-carrying capacity 37% by the end of the third year. Control of Ceanothus spp., Salvia leucophylla and Adenostoma fasciculatum was estimated at between 89 and 100% for the various species. Forage production on sprayed areas, consisting mostly of annual grasses and forbs, was nearly double that of nonsprayed areas.
  • Applying Research Findings To Commercial Beef Production

    Barron, O. J. (Society for Range Management, 1967-05-01)