Journal of Range Management, Volume 19 (1966)
Welcome to the Rangeland Ecology & Management archives. The journal Rangeland Ecology & Management (RE&M; v58, 2005-present) is the successor to the Journal of Range Management (JRM; v. 1-57, 1948-2004.) The archives provide public access, in a "rolling window" agreement with the Society for Range Management, to both titles (JRM and RE&M), from v.1 up to five years from the present year.
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Print ISSN: 0022-409x
Online ISSN: 1550-7424
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Journal of Range Management, Volume 19, Number 6 (November 1966)Society for Range Management, 1966-11-01
Journal of Range Management, Volume 19, Number 5 (September 1966)Society for Range Management, 1966-09-01
Journal of Range Management, Volume 19, Number 4 (July 1966)Society for Range Management, 1966-07-01
Journal of Range Management, Volume 19, Number 3 (May 1966)Society for Range Management, 1966-05-01
Journal of Range Management, Volume 19, Number 1 (January 1966)Society for Range Management, 1966-01-01
Journal of Range Management, Volume 19, Number 2 (March 1966)Society for Range Management, 1966-03-01
Range Renewal—A Locally Directed Effort at Resource DevelopmentRange Renewal is a program in which interested individuals and groups of the community and public agencies plan and work together to accomplish resource conservation and development more rapidly. It involves direct Congressional appropriations to involved departments. Each group or agency must participate and be in a position to finance its part in the coordinated planning and development work agreed upon by all.
Range Improvement As Related to Net Productivity, Energy Flow, And Foliage ConfigurationTo maximize the conversion of the solar energy received by range vegetation into forms effectively used by domestic animals is an important objective of range managers. In annual-type California range improved by legume introduction and sulfur fertilization, the efficiency of the conversion of annual solar energy income over a three-year period averaged 0.09% by the vegetation and 0.004% by the stockers consuming the fed-off portion of the vegetation. Further study of the manner of display of the photosynthetic surfaces in range vegetation communities to incoming radiant energy will make it possible to identify foliage configurations that will maximize solar energy capture.
Twig Diameter-Length-Weight Relations Of BitterbrushRelations between bitterbrush twig diameters and their lengths and weights are sufficiently consistent to enable wildlife technicians to estimate browse utilization solely from postbrowsing measurements of the diameters and lengths or weights of the remaining portion of twigs.
Fertilization and Management Implications on California Annual-Plant RangeThe results from the first three years of a study at the San Joaquin Experimental Range on the effect of sulfur and sulfur-plus-nitrogen on management of annual-plant range are reported. Fertilizer increased production, especially in herbage yield and grazing capacity. Some effects these results may have on the costs of grazing cattle, especially in the green-forage season, are discussed.
Vegetation-Soils And Vegetation-Grazing Relations From Frequency DataAn upland vegetational continuum and three bottomland associations are interpreted from frequency data, but intra-site heterogeneity masks vegetation-grazing relations. Summer-long grazing at different intensities for 23 years has not affected the frequency percentages of species to a great extent.
Interval of Observation of Grazing Habits of Range Beef CowsReasonably accurate estimates of activities of longer duration, such as grazing and ruminating, can be obtained by observations at intervals of 15 or even 30 min. Observations at 15 min or longer intervals failed to give reliable estimates of such activities as walking, sleeping, nursing calves, defecation, urination and drinking.
Vegetation And Soils Of Alkali Sagebrush And Adjacent Big Sagebrush Ranges In North Park, ColoradoAlkali sagebrush ranges were found to have a shallow, root restricting claypan soil. In contrast, the adjacent big sagebrush plant community occurred on loamy soils where roots penetrated freely. This direct relationship between range sites and soils shows how soil surveys can be used to determine range sites.
Longevity of Crested Wheatgrass in the Sagebrush-grass Type in Southern IdahoCrested wheatgrass has proved to be well adapted on most sites in the sagebrush zone in southern Idaho. Continued high production as indicated in more than thirty-years records show crested wheatgrass will maintain itself and even spread despite such adverse factors as heavy use, extremes of temperature and moisture, and disease.
Cooperation And Planning—Keys To Development And Integration Of Public And Private RangelandsComplex land ownership patterns in the West intensify problems of range resource management. In addition, demands for use of public rangelands are increasing. The livestock industry, public land managers, and other resource users must cooperate and share responsibilities for integration and development of all rangelands, public and private.