Journal of Range Management, Volume 18, Number 3 (May 1965)
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Print ISSN: 0022-409x
Online ISSN: 1550-7424
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Recent Submissions
Journal of Range Management, Volume 18, Number 3 (May 1965)Society for Range Management, 1965-05-01
A Further Note on Random Locations for Sample Units in Circular PlotsThis note presents radii for sample locations for eight different circular sampling areas with or without center areas restricted from sampling and briefly discusses the use of the system for locating plots, transects, or plants in range and pasture studies.
Fertilizer Experiments on Native Rangelands Using Increasing-Rate SpreaderThe increasing-rate fertilizer spreader offers a method for over-coming variability of herbage stand and consequent difficulty of finding large uniform areas in fertilizer rate studies on rangelands.
Prediction of Weight Composition from Point Samples on Clipped HedgePercentage botanical composition by weight can be estimated from composition determined with the laboratory point method, if differences among species, seasons of growth, and botanical composition are taken into account.
New Grazing Research Programs for Southern Forest RangesIn recent decades, research has brought substantial improvement in cattle and forage management on cutover forest ranges in the South. Today, massive reforestation is complicating the problems of integrating grazing with timber growing, and research aims are shifting accordingly. This paper reviews the current southern grazing situation and describes the range research program of the U. S. Forest Service.
Use of Fecal Cellulose to Estimate Plant Tissue Eaten by DeerIn digestion trials with deer, the cellulose content of forages was inversely related to digestible energy of the ration. In range pen trials, fecal cellulose seemed to have predictive value in estimating range forage consumed.
Understory Response Three Years After Thinning PineUnderstory yield was greater on thinned than on unthinned plots. When pine canopy exceeded 45 percent, forbs produced more than grasses; below 45 percent, grasses were superior producers.
Effects of Herbicides, Burning, and Seeding Date in Reseeding and Arid RangeIn a former sagebrush-bluebunch wheatgrass site at Ephrata, Washington, neither application of herbicides nor burning for control of downy brome and Sandberg's bluegrass before planting wheatgrasses were effective in increasing stands of wheatgrass seedlings. In this area of dry summers and approximately 8 inches annual precipitation, severe climatic stresses were primarily responsible in determining the establishment or failure of seedlings.
Cattle Utilization and Chemical Content of Winged Elm BrowseCattle browsed winged elm twigs most intensively during May 1 to late July, when the browse was succulent and higher in crude protein content. As the growing season progressed, upward trends were observed in percent dry matter, ether extract and crude fiber, while downward trends were observed in percent moisture, protein and nitrogen-free extract.
Influence of Winter Supplemental Feeding of Cottonseed Cake on Activities of Beef CowsFeeding beef cows 1.5 pounds of cottonseed cake on alternate days during winter on shortgrass range caused no apparent increase in feeding time over cattle receiving no supplement. However, cattle fed supplemental feed were easier to handle, ruminated more, and walked less time than cattle with no supplement.
Economic Evaluation of Stockwater DevelopmentsStockwater development offers a good possibility for favorable returns on investment. By analyzing proposed development projects as described here, a rancher can make sounder economic decisions concerning range improvement practices.
Field Observations On Fallout Accumulation By Plants In Natural HabitatsFallout accumulation by aboveground plant parts was related to differences in leaf and twig structure and time organs were exposed to atmosphere. Trees appeared to lessen fallout accumulation by understory shrubs.
What Hope for Grazing on Public LandsRanchers need to modernize their use of public lands or face further restriction. Public range administrators can be of real aid by cooperating to encourage stockmen to improve ranges and adjust to changing times.