Rangelands, Volume 38, Number 2 (2016)
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ISSN: 0190-0528
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Special Issue AcknowledgmentsSociety for Range Management, 2016-12-01
A Workshop on Future Directions of Usable Science for Rangeland SustainabilityOn the Ground • As funding for rangeland research becomes more difficult to secure, researchers and funding organizations must ensure that the information needs of public and private land managers are met. • Usable science that involves the intended end users throughout the scientific enterprise and gives rise to improved outcomes and informed management on the ground should be emphasized. • The SRR workshop on Future Directions of Usable Science for Rangeland Sustainability brought together university and agency researchers, public and private land managers and producers, non-governmental organizations, and representatives of funding agencies and organizations to initiate the process of charting a research agenda for future directions of usable science for rangeland sustainability. • Workshop outcomes address issues and research questions for soil health, water, vegetation (plants), animals, and socio-economic aspects of rangeland sustainability.
Usable Science: Soil HealthOn the Ground • Healthy soils are fundamental to sustainable rangelands, but soils function in obscurity. This is reflected in the belowground black-box mentality often attributed to soils. • Transformational changes get the attention of land managers and the public for example, soil erosion associated with the Dust Bowl of the 1930s. This provides benchmarks for the context of importance in maintaining healthy soils for the productive capacity of rangelands. • Benefits of soil health include enhanced soil water-holding capacity and appropriate nutrient cycling, which increases rangelands resilience to weather variability and predicted climate change. • Future directions of usable science for soil health include: 1) characterization of soil health indicators for sensitivity levels that affect transitions/thresholds of state-and-transition models, 2) influences of management practices, predicted climate change, and extreme events, and 3) impact of prescribed fire and wildfires on soil health.
Future Directions of Usable Science for Sustainable Rangelands: WaterOn the Ground • Usable science takes on a completely new meaning when you are looking to science to literally save your livelihood. • The challenge for rangeland professionals, including research scientists, is accurately predicting the consequences to water of land-use change, climate change, and increasing competition for water while also providing socially acceptable science-based solutions. • The good news for rangeland professionals and research scientists is that because water is indeed essential for life, our knowledge and skills will be essential for addressing these issues.
Future Directions for Usable Rangeland Science: From Plant Communities to LandscapesOn the Ground • The profession of rangeland ecology and management has been built, to a large extent, on vegetation ecology. • Community ecology has been the source of advances in scientific understanding of rangeland behavior and improving management. • An increased use of the principles of landscape and regional ecology could greatly improve the utility of rangeland science for researchers and managers.
Usable Science for Managing Animals and Rangeland SustainabilityOn the Ground: • Animals are critical components of rangeland ecosystems, and domestic livestock provide an extremely important management tool on rangelands. • Decades of research have yielded much valuable information to support sustainable and effective grazing management, but increased complexity resulting in part from expanding environmental, economic, and societal pressures demands future investments in usable science focused on rangeland animals. • Three priorities for usable science are recommended: • Proactive drought planning • Better matching livestock production systems to rangeland resources • Comprehensive synthesis of and effective communication concerning environmental impacts (positive, negative, and neutral) of livestock on rangelands.
Usable Socio-Economic Science for RangelandsOn the Ground • Because humans depend on rangelands for a wide variety of ecosystem goods and services, they have a large stake in research that explores supply and demand for those goods and services. • Scientists and science users who ranked 142 separate rangeland issues chose a socio-economic concern as most pressing: How to help rural communities plan for, adapt to, and recover from impacts of increased social, economic, and ecological variability. • Cross-jurisdictional stewardship is required to address many rangeland problems, so it is important to find ways to encourage and assist collaborative management efforts. • Decision makers and citizens need better ways to sift through the conflicting claims and conclusions available from a growing number of information sources. • Rangeland communities, and the land itself, require a steady supply of individuals who are both willing and able to choose careers in rangeland occupations.
Usable Science for Sustainable Rangelands: ConclusionsOn the Ground • Producers and users of scientific knowledge working together can identify future research directions that will produce usable science to address the challenges of managing for sustainable rangelands. • Matching the scale of science to the scale of management and ecological and physical processes was a prominent theme identified. • Similar activities in other regions with participants from the energy sector, wildlife organizations, and recreation enthusiasts can provide additional research directions for sustainable rangelands.
HighlightsSociety for Range Management, 2016-12-01