Rangelands, Volume 37, Number 6 (2015)
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ISSN: 0190-0528
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Recent Submissions
Forbs and Greater Sage-grouse Habitat Restoration Efforts: Suggestions for Improving Commercial Seed Availability and Restoration PracticesOn the Ground: • Greater sage-grouse are the species of concern in the largest conservation effort in US history and have populations spanning 11 western states. Restoration of sage-grouse habitat will assist these conservation efforts. • It is known that forbs are critical to sage-grouse diets, but only isolated studies have measured forbs in the diet at a species or genera-specific level and little is known about sage-grouse preference to forbs. • Research has shown that local seed sources promote successful reestablishment of vegetation communities, although commercial seed sources for forb species used in sage-grouse diet often are lacking. • We make suggestions for selecting forb species and improving seed sources for sage-grouse conservation.
View Point: Renewable Energy, Energy Conservation, and US RangelandsOn the Ground • Depletion of conventional oil and natural gas reserves, rising world demand for fossil fuels, and changing geo-political conditions necessitate that the United States aggressively develop both renewable and nonrenewable energy along with increasing energy conservation and efficiency. This will affect how rangelands are used, create income opportunities for ranchers, and expand employment opportunities for professional range managers. • Air and ground water contamination and increased earthquakes could be serious environmental challenges from expanded development of unconventional fossil fuels. Renewable energy development involving wind, solar, and biomass also have environmental hazards. Rangeland managers in the future must be prepared to minimize and ameliorate environmental damage from different types of energy developments while optimizing energy production with traditional rangeland uses. • In our view, government policies encouraging energy conservation could significantly reduce rangeland losses to urban and ex-urbanization, dependence on foreign oil imports and carbon emissions. They would also extend the longevity of fossil fuel reserves providing a hedge against possible failure of renewable energy sources to meet future needs.
View Point: Impacts of Kentucky bluegrass Invasion (Poa pratensis L.) on Ecological Processes in the Northern Great PlainsOn the Ground For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong—H. L. Mencken • Ecological impacts of Kentucky bluegrass invasion have gone unrecognized by land managers and researchers alike. • Current management practices have contributed to increases in Kentucky bluegrass abundance. • Invaded areas have altered the ecological processes of net primary productivity, hydrology, nutrient cycling, and species composition. • Increased understanding of ecological processes and feedback mechanisms of invaded areas will allow managers to develop appropriate adaptive management strategies.
HighlightsSociety for Range Management, 2015-12-01