Welcome to the Rangelands archives. The archives provide public access, in a "rolling window" agreement with the Society for Range Management, to Rangelands (1979-present) from v.1 up to two years from the present year.

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ISSN: 0190-0528


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Recent Submissions

  • Evaluation of the Seasonal and Annual Abortifacient Risk of Western Juniper Trees on Oregon Rangelands

    Welch, Kevin D.; Parsons, Cory; Gardner, Dale R.; Deboodt, Tim; Schreder, Peter; Cook, Daniel; Pfister, James A.; Panter, Kip E. (Society for Range Management, 2015-12-01)
    On the Ground • Western juniper trees can cause late term abortions in cattle, similar to ponderosa pine trees. • Results from this study demonstrate that there is no difference in the labdane acid (the abortifacien tcompounds) content of western juniper trees throughout the year, or from year to year. • Consequently the abortifacient risk of western juniper trees should not vary throughout the year, or from year to year. • Producers who winter cattle in rangelands with western juniper trees should take similar precautions to prevent late term abortions as they would with ponderosa pine trees.
  • Jaguar Critical Habitat Designation Causes Concern for Southwestern Ranchers

    Svancara, Colleen M.; Lien, Aaron M.; Vanasco, Wendy T.; Lopez-Hoffman, Laura; Bonar, Scott A.; Ruyle, George B. (Society for Range Management, 2015-12-01)
    On the Ground • The designation of jaguar critical habitat in April 2014 in southern Arizona and southwestern New Mexico created concern for livestock ranchers in the region. • We interviewed ranchers to understand their concerns with the jaguar critical habitat designation and their attitudes toward jaguars, wildlife conservation, and resource management in general. • Ranchers we interviewed were concerned about direct impacts of designated critical habitat on ranching, as well as possible alternative agendas of critical habitat advocates and issues specific to the borderlands region. • The ranchers were less concerned about the presence of jaguars but were more concerned about possible limiting effects of the Endangered Species Act (ESA), distrust of government entities, and litigious environmental groups. • To maximize effectiveness, government agencies should work to foster trust in the ranching community, be cognizant of sensitive issues specific to the region that may challenge endangered species conservation goals, recognize the opportunity to work with ranchers for endangered species management, and provide outreach about implications of the ESA.
  • The Effects of Federal Policies on Rangeland Ecosystem Services in the Southwestern United States

    Lien, Aaron M.; Neeley, Jenny L.; Ruyle, George B.; Lopez-Hoffman, Laura (Society for Range Management, 2015-12-01)
    On the Ground • Rangelands provide a wide array of ecosystem services – the direct benefits people receive from nature. There is increasing interest by policymakers and conservationists in managing for these ecosystem services. • Because of complex land tenure arrangements inthe Intermountain West, it is important to understand the impacts of federal resource management laws on ecosystem services flowing from public and private lands. • All major federal land management laws are supportive of managing for ecosystem services. We review the implications of FLPMA, NFMA, NEPA, ESA, and CWA on ecosystem services on public and private lands.
  • View Point: Daubenmire Versus Line-Point Intercept: A Response to Thacker et al. (2015)

    Martyn, Trace E.; Beltz, Christopher W.; Palmquist, Kyle A.; Pennington, Victoria E.; Rottler, Caitlin M.; Lauenroth, William K. (Society for Range Management, 2015-12-01)
    On the Ground • Thacker et al. compared two common techniques for assessing greater sage-grouse habitat: Daubenmire quadrats and line-point intercept sampling. • Sampling only 16 Daubenmire quadrats may not have been adequate to support Thacker et al.’s assertion that line-point sampling yields highercover values and that the two methods are not comparable. • Using data from sagebrush ecosystems in Montana, we show that mean percent cover changes depending on the number of Daubenmire quadrats sampled and that 16 Daubenmire quadrats may not be sufficient to accurately characterize sagebrush vegetation. • Assessing the appropriate sampling effort for the method and study is a crucial part of designing sampling protocols and has implications for greater sage-grouse management and conservation.
  • Listening to the Land: Thoughts of a Barefoot Boy in a Graybeards Body

    Box, Thad (Society for Range Management, 2015-12-01)
  • Browsing the Literature

    Mosley, Jeff (Society for Range Management, 2015-12-01)
  • Highlights

    Society for Range Management, 2015-12-01