Rangelands, Volume 10 (1988)
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ISSN: 0190-0528
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Rangelands, Volume 10, Number 6 (December 1988)Society for Range Management, 1988-12-01
Rangelands, Volume 10, Number 5 (October 1988)Society for Range Management, 1988-10-01
Rangelands, Volume 10, Number 4 (August 1988)Society for Range Management, 1988-08-01
Rangelands, Volume 10, Number 3 (June 1988)Society for Range Management, 1988-06-01
Rangelands, Volume 10, Number 2 (April 1988)Society for Range Management, 1988-04-01
Rangelands, Volume 10, Number 1 (February 1988)Society for Range Management, 1988-02-01
Rangeland Development in Dera Ghazi Khan, PakistanThe first attempt at scientific management of rangelands ini Dera Ghazi Khan, Pakistan, was made in 1960. However, the efforts failed to yield good results, and the area, being extremely arid, was declared unsuitable for range improvement (GOWP 1970). The senior author surveyed the area and prepared another range management project for the area in 1982. Range improvement techniques were designed keeping in view the local ecological conditions. The results obtained so far are very encouraging. The story of failure and success of range improvements in D. G. Khan is presented here for the benefit of the readers.