Initial assessment of an interprofessional team-delivered telehealth program for patients with epilepsy
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Medication-related problems
Rural health
Underserved populations
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Axon, D. R., Taylor, A. M., Vo, D., & Bingham, J. (2019). Initial assessment of an interprofessional team-delivered telehealth program for patients with epilepsy. Epilepsy research, 158, 106235.Journal
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Introduction: Epilepsy affects 3.5 million people in the United States (US). Rural-dwelling individuals have less access to healthcare and consequently poorer health outcomes. This study describes the outcomes of an interprofessional telehealth program for rural-dwelling individuals with epilepsy in one US state. Methods: An academic medication therapy management pharmacist provided clinical services to rural-dwelling individuals with epilepsy between November 2015 and June 2018, using video-conferencing technology and follow-up telephonic consultation. Data collected included: demographics, prescribed seizure medications, comorbidities, drug-drug and drug-disease interactions, adverse drug reactions, therapeutic duplications, doserelated safety concerns, adherence concerns, and recommendations to resolve identified issues. Data were summarized using appropriate descriptive statistics. Results: A total of 168 patients (51% male, mean age 28 +/- 15 years), participated in this pilot study. Most participants (94%) were prescribed at least one seizure medication including: benzodiazepines (n = 89), Iamotrigine (n = 58), and levetiracetam (n = 56). The majority (55%) had at least one comorbidity including: mood disorders (n = 49) and psychiatric disorders (n = 26). Common medications with reported precautions for people with a seizure history were: selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (n = 18), second-generation atypical antipsychotics (n = 17) and benzodiazepines (n = 16). Participants had at least one: drug-disease interaction (33%), drug-drug interaction (54%), adverse drug reaction (37%), therapeutic duplication (13%); dose-related safety concerns (35%); and medication utilization concerns (13%). Discussion: This pharmacist-delivered pilot program was effective in: reaching underserved patients with epilepsy, identifying and recommending resolutions to medication-related problems, and demonstrating the value of pharmacists in an interprofessional team. Further work is warranted to identify telehealth strategies to reduce medication associated problems.Note
12 month embargo; published online: 31 October 2019ISSN
0920-1211PubMed ID
Final accepted manuscriptSponsors
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