Parker, Kittie F.Issue Date
Weeds -- Arizona.
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Copyright © 1972 Arizona Board of Regents. All rights reserved.Collection Information
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University of Arizona Press (Tucson, AZ)Description
Drawings by Lucretia Breazeale Hamilton.Table of Contents
Alkali heliotrope, chinese pusley, quail plant -- Annual bluegrass, walkgrass -- Annual goldeneye -- Annual sowthistle -- Annual yellow sweetclover, sour clover -- Barestem larkspur -- Barnyardgrass -- Bermudagrass, devilgrass -- Bitter rubberweed, bitterweed -- Black medic, nonesuch, hop medic -- Black mustard -- Bluestem pricklepoppy -- Blueweed, yerba parda -- Broadleaf milkweed -- Broadleaf plantain, common plantain, rippleseed plantain -- Broom snakeweed -- Browntop panicum -- Buckhorn plantain, ribwort, narrowleaf plantain -- Buffalobur, colorado bur, mexican thistle, texas thistle -- Bur clover -- Burroweed -- Camelthorn -- Camphorweed -- Canada thistle -- Canaigre, wild rhubarb -- Cattails -- Climbing milkweed -- Cluster dock, green dock -- Coast fiddleneck, coast buckthorn -- Common cockelbur -- Common lambsquarters -- Common mullein -- Common purslane, pursley, pusley, wild portulaca -- Coulter spiderling, coulter boerhaavia -- Creeping woodsorrel, creeping oxalis -- Crownbeard, golden crownbeard -- Curly dock -- Dallisgrass -- Dandelion -- Desert baileya, desert marigold -- Desert saltgrass, inland saltgrass, seashore saltgrass, marsh spikegrass, saltgrass -- Desert senna, cove senna -- Desert thornapple -- Desert tobacco -- Dodder -- Feather fingergrass -- Field bindweed -- Field sandbur -- Fingerleaf gourd, fingerleaf coyote melon -- Fivehook bassia, smother weed -- Fly mushroom, fly amanita, fly agaric -- Fringed pigweed -- Gambel oak, shinnery -- Globemallow -- Globemallow, continued -- Golden corydalis -- Gordon bladderpod -- Green foxtail, green bristlegrass, bottlegrass -- Greenspored mushroom, morgan lepiota, greenspored lepiota -- Hairy bowlesia -- Halogeton, barilla -- Hemp sesbania, colorado river hemp, big-podded sesbania -- Henbit -- Hoary cress, whitetop -- Hog potato, pignut -- Horehound -- Horse purslane -- Horseweed -- Johnsongrass -- Junglerice, watergrass -- Juniper -- Khakiweed, creeping chaffweed -- Kings lupine -- Lambert crazyweed, lambert loco, point loco, purple loco, white loco -- Large crabgrass, hairy crabgrass -- Leafy pondweed -- Little mallow, cheeseweed -- Littleseed canarygrass -- London rocket -- Malta starthistle, tocalote -- Mediterraneanrass -- Mexican sprangletop -- Milk thistle -- Monolepis, patota, patata -- Narrowleaf goosefoot -- Nettleleaf goosefoot -- New mexico copperleaf -- Nuttall milkvetch -- Orange caltrop, mexican poppy, summer poppy, arizona poppy -- Palmer amaranth, carelessweed -- Pingue, colorado rubberweed -- Povertyweed -- Prickly lettuce -- Prostrate knotweed -- Puncturevine, bullhead, goathead -- Rabbitfootgrass -- Red sorrel, sheep sorrel -- Red spiderling -- Red sprangletop -- Redstem filaree, filaree, alfilaree, alfilaria -- Rescue brome, rescue grass -- Rocky mountain iris -- Rubber rabbitbrush, big rabbitbrush -- Russian knapweed, turkestan thistle -- Russian thistle, tumbleweed -- Sacred datura, indianapple, tolguacha -- Saltcedar, tamarisk -- Sand peppergrass -- Scarlet morningglory, red morningglory, starglory -- Seepwillow baccharis, seepwillow, waterwally -- Shepherdspurse -- Silky sophora -- Silverleaf nightshade, white horsenettle, trompillo -- Silversheath knotweed -- Silverweed cinquefoil, silverweed -- Sixweeks grama -- Sixweeks needle grama, needle grama -- Skeletonweed eriogonum -- Slimleaf bursage, bursage ragweed -- Slimpod senna, longpod senna -- Small groundcherry -- Small matweed -- Smallflower gaura, velvetweed -- Southwestern cupgrass -- Spiny aster, mexican devilweed -- Spiny sowthistle -- Spurges -- Spurred anoda -- Squirreltail -- Stinkgrass, strong-scented lovegrass -- Sunflower, annual sunflower, common sunflower -- Tall morningglory -- Tansymustard -- Threadleaf groundsel -- Trailing four o'clock -- Tree tobacco -- Tuberous sida -- Tumble pigweed, tumbleweed -- Western bracken, bracken, bracken fern, brake fern, eagle fern -- Western clammyweed, clammyweed -- Western honey mesquite and velvet mesquite -- Western sneezeweed, sneezeweed, orange sneezeweed -- Western whorled milkweed, horsetail milkweed, poison milkweed -- Wheelscale saltbush -- White clover -- White sweetclover -- Wild celery -- Wild oat, oatgrass, wheat oats, flaxgrass -- Witchgrass, tumble panic, witches hair -- Woolly tidestromia -- Wooly morningglory, mexican morningglory -- Wooton loco, western loco, locoweed, rattleweed -- Wright groundcherry -- Wright saltbush -- Yellow nutsedge, yellow nutgrass.Type