“In Every Rancher’s Mind”: Effects of Drought on Ranch Planning and Practice
Wilmer, H., York, E., Kelley, W. K., & Brunson, M. W. (2016). “In Every Rancher’s Mind”: Effects of Drought on Ranch Planning and Practice. Rangelands, 38(4), 216-221.Publisher
Society for Range ManagementJournal
RangelandsAdditional Links
On the Ground • Ranchers’ responses to drought differ depending on where they live and specific circumstances of their ranches, but there are striking similarities across regions. • Changes in practice after a drought reflect a general desire to buffer one’s operation against disruptions, rather than being specifically aimed at the next drought. • Interviewees often pointed to good things that arose from the bad situation of drought. • Energy development helped offset drought impacts in two cases, but interviewees generally preferred to diversify their income streams through agricultural rather than non-agricultural enterprises. • Ability to respond to drought is somewhat constrained by federal tax laws and agency grazing regulations, as well as by ranchers’ specific circumstances.Type
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