Protein supplementation and 48-hour calf removal effects on range cows
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weaning weightcalf feeding
calving interval
calf removal
body condition
reproductive performance
crude protein
protein supplements
New Mexico
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Sowell, B. F., Wallace, J. D., Parker, E. E., & Southward, G. M. (1992). Protein supplementation and 48-hour calf removal effects on range cows. Journal of Range Management, 45(2), 123-128.Publisher
Society for Range ManagementJournal
Journal of Range ManagementDOI
10.2307/4002767Additional Links
In 1984, 99 Angus X Hereford cows (4- to 6-yr-olds) were assigned randomly to a 4-yr, 2 X 2 factorial study. Treatment assignment was permanent, and no new cows were added during the study. By 1987, 71 cows remained, and over-all, 335 complete cow-calf data sets were used. Main effect treatments were beginning time (prepartum [PRE] vs postpartum [POST]) for crude protein (CP) supplementation (twice weekly feeding of 41% CP cottonseed meal pellets at 1.58 kg cow-1 feeding-1) and temporary calf removal (48 hour [48-H] vs 0 hour [CONT]) just before the breeding season. For analyses, sex of calf was included as a third main effect (2 X 2 X 2) and year was included as a random factor; the 4-way interaction served as the testing term for repeated measures over years. Year was the dominant source of variation for most traits; we attributed this mainly to different amounts and timing of precipitation among years. Very few interactions were observed. The PRE supplemented cows had reduced (P<0.01) spring body weight losses and higher prebreeding body condition scores (4.9 vs 4.5; P<0.01) compared with POST cows. Reproductive performance did not differ between PRE and POST cows. Use of 48-H calf removal vs CONT did not influence (P>0.10) reproductive traits measured. Likewise, 48-H treatment did not impair health or reduce weaning weights of calves. In a separate, within-year analysis used to examine age of dam effects, productivity of 4-yr-old cows during 1984 was slightly below that of older cows for some traits. Cow age effects were not detected in other years. We conclude that control cows in our study were approaching optimum fertility and production levels in concert with their environment and that improvement beyond these levels with the treatments imposed was unlikely.Type