Impact of a White Grub (Phyllophaga crinita) on a Shortgrass Community and Evaluation of Selected Rehabilitation Practices
Ueckert, D. N. (1979). Impact of a white grub (Phyllophaga crinita) on a shortgrass community and evaluation of selected rehabilitation practices. Journal of Range Management, 32(6), 445-448.Publisher
Society for Range ManagementJournal
Journal of Range ManagementDOI
10.2307/3898556Additional Links
During the spring of 1973, white grubs, Phyllophaga crinita (Burm.), at a density of $46.3/{\rm m}^{2}$, reduced cover of perennial grasses by 88% in localized areas of a shortgrass community in Scurry County, Texas. Forbs and broom snakeweed were not affected. Chlordane applied to the soil surface at 3.36 kg/ha did not control white grubs. Chlordane, nitrogen fertilization (112 kg/ha of N), and a combination of the insecticide-fertilization treatments did not appreciably enhance rehabilitation of white grub-denuded rangeland. Seeding with introduced grasses was not successful because of inadequate precipitation, heavy grazing by lagomorphs on the small areas, and competitive effects of buffalograss. Forbs and broom snakeweed were not important in the early seral stages of secondary succession on the study site, but common broomweed and common sunflower were dominants on other denuded sites in the area. Most plant species had recovered by the end of the second growing season without fencing to control livestock grazing.Type