Nitrogen Fertilization of Range: Yield, Protein Content, and Cattle Behavior
Samuel, M. J., Rauzi, F., & Hart, R. H. (1980). Nitrogen fertilization of range: Yield, protein content, and cattle behavior. Journal of Range Management, 33(2), 119-121.Publisher
Society for Range ManagementJournal
Journal of Range ManagementDOI
10.2307/3898424Additional Links
Effects of rate and season of nitrogen (N) application on the utilization, crude protein, and yield of mixed prairie in southeastern Wyoming were evaluated. Fertilization increased herbage production, crude protein content and utilization by cattle as measured by both frequency of grazing and forage removal by grazing. Yield and protein content increased linearly with increased amounts of fall applied N, but non-linearly to spring applied N. Forage removal showed a curvilinear response to both spring and fall applied N and was closely correlated with forage yield and frequency of grazing.Type