Redetzke, K. A., & Van Dyne, G. M. (1976). A matrix model of a rangeland grazing system. Journal of Range Management, 29(5), 425-430.Publisher
Society for Range ManagementJournal
Journal of Range ManagementDOI
10.2307/3897158Additional Links
A matrix model developed from actual field data from long-term grazing intensity studies was designed to predict grazing systems dynamics. For a given pasture with acreages in several different soil types and a particular stocking rate, the model predicts plant cover and animal production changes in response to variable weather input. The model system is composed of a set of matrix equations, with specific transition matrices for each combination of soil type, grazing intensity, and weather category. Model validation tests were made. Model predictions were compared statistically with data from pastures which were independent replicates of the pastures providing the data used to derive the transition matrices. Model predictions of plant cover dynamics were consistently within the 95% confidence limits based on field data.Type