Growth and Tillering of Sand Bluestem as Affected by Exogenous Growth Regulators
Stubbendieck, J., & McCully, W. G. (1976). Growth and tillering of sand bluestem as affected by exogenous growth regulators. Journal of Range Management, 29(2), 123-126.Publisher
Society for Range ManagementJournal
Journal of Range ManagementDOI
10.2307/3897407Additional Links
Two plant growth regulators that were reported to inhibit auxin transport were exogenously applied to sand bluestem seedlings. DPX-1840 and Ethrel were shown to change tillering patterns, dry matter production, and plant form. When applied at relatively low concentrations, tillering was accelerated. Larger numbers of tillers developed on plants treated at the three-leaf stage as compared with those treated at the six-leaf stage. Exogenously applied plant growth regulators often reduced tiller length, plant height, and dry matter production. DPX-1840 caused plants to have an open or spreading appearance. In addition, laminas often remained rolled and were chlorotic.Type