Johnson, J., & Gartner, F. R. (1975). Perspectives on predator management. Journal of Range Management, 28(1), 18-21.Publisher
Society for Range ManagementJournal
Journal of Range ManagementDOI
10.2307/3897572Additional Links
Too much adverse publicity has been given the sheep producer who struggles for existence in the face of rising costs, lower returns, and increasing numbers of predators. There seems to be adequate evidence that predator management is both necessary and practical on ranges used by either livestock or game. We cannot maintain the sheep industry in the United States without controlling predator populations. The lack of predator control in the past 2 years created economic crises in some sheep-producing areas of the West. Chemical control of coyotes under careful management and in selected areas appears to be biologically safe. At least this method should be utilized to reduce increasing coyote numbers until a perfected predator management system is devised. Man's influence on all ecosystems, whether private or public range, forest, shrub, or desert, nullifies the "balance of nature" concept. Our objectives in all areas of land management should be management oriented and designed for the uses desired, i.e., recreation, aesthetic value, wildlife, livestock, watershed, or a combination of these.Type