Vegetative Response to Chemical Control of Broom Snakeweed on a Blue Grama Range
Gesink, R. W., Alley, H. P., & Lee, G. A. (1973). Vegetative response to chemical control of broom snakeweed on a blue grama range. Journal of Range Management, 26(2), 139-143.Publisher
Society for Range ManagementJournal
Journal of Range ManagementDOI
10.2307/3896471Additional Links
All rates of picloram, either alone or in combination with low rates of 2,4-D, effectively controlled broom snakeweed on a blue grama range in southeastern Wyoming. Picloram also eliminated the low amounts of plains pricklypear present among the dense stands of snakeweed. Blue grama was initially injured by the 0.5 and 1 lb/acre rates of picloram, but needle-and-thread was damaged only by the 1 lb/acre rate. This initial injury to the grasses had a renovating effect upon the range, and, in combination with the elimination of undesirable plants, resulted in no table range improvement as measured 5 years after treatment. The study illustrates how herbicides may be a useful tool for selective manipulation of rangeland vegetation.Type