Trlica, M. J., & Cook, C. W. (1971). Defoliation effects on carbohydrate reserves of desert species. Journal of Range Management, 24(6), 418-425.Publisher
Society for Range ManagementJournal
Journal of Range ManagementDOI
10.2307/3896627Additional Links
Representative plants of eight desert species were defoliated at four phenological stages. These species used varying amounts of carbohydrate for regrowth; however, carbohydrate use and storage varied widely among phenological stages within species. There was a direct relationship between average total carbohydrate levels in the autumn and the amount of regrowth after defoliation. The carbohydrate reserve level in the autumn appears to be a good indicator of defoliation effects during the preceding growing season./El manejo de pastizales requiere mas conocimientos sobre las respuestas fisiológicas de las plantas después del pastoreo. El estudio se llevó a cabo para determinar la influencia de la defoliación sobre las reservas de carbohidratos en las yemas basales y las raíces.Type