Van Voorthuizen, E. G. (1970). A grazing potential in the tanga region of Tanzania. Journal of Range Management, 23(5), 325-330.Publisher
Society for Range ManagementJournal
Journal of Range ManagementDOI
10.2307/3896159Additional Links
The steady decline in the sisal market has resulted in greater emphasis on raising of livestock from sisal areas and from native rangelands in Tanzania. Livestock production in many areas of Tanzania is limited by Tsetse fly (Glossina pallidipes). However, in large blocks of land cleared for sisal production, Tsetse, which breeds in dense bushlands is now a minor problem. Proper planning for uniform utilization and maximum sustained production from rangelands are based on local experience and experimental data. In the Tanga Region of Tanzania experimental data for proper planning is lacking. This article presents the results from a range site survey and estimation of the livestock production capacity in the sisal areas of the Tanga Region. Also, the report emphasizes the need for more detailed studies.Type