An Evaluation of a Interseeded Sideoats Grama Stand Four Years after Establishment
Willard, E. E., & Schuster, J. L. (1971). An evaluation of an interseeded sideoats grama stand four years after establishment. Journal of Range Management, 24(3), 223-226.Publisher
Society for Range ManagementJournal
Journal of Range ManagementDOI
10.2307/3896777Additional Links
Sideoats grama can be successfully interseeded into abandoned cropland on the High Plains of Texas. The use of fertilizer and alfalfa with planting did not increase the stand, plant size, or production of sideoats grama. It is concluded that interseeding can increase total forage production but the inclusion of fertilizer and alfalfa in this particular study was an added expense that could not be justified. Livestock showed a definite preference for the forage on the interseeded areas over that on the non-seeded areas. Species utilization by cattle was found to be highest for kochia, followed by silver bluestem, sideoats grama, western wheatgrass, sand dropseed, red threeawn and tumble windmillgrass.Type