Vitamin A and B-carotene in Liver and Blood of Cows Grazing Pangolagrass
Kirk, W. G., Shirley, R. L., Easley, J. F., & Peacock, F. M. (1970). Vitamin A and B-carotene in liver and blood of cows grazing Pangolagrass. Journal of Range Management, 23(2), 136-139.Publisher
Society for Range ManagementJournal
Journal of Range ManagementDOI
10.2307/3896117Additional Links
Mature grade Brahman cows grazing pangolagrass (Digitaria decumbens Stent.) from 3 to 17 years as the only source of nutrients other than common salt and red salt had an average of 2624 mcg vitamin A and 59 mcg B-carotene per gram dry liver and 46 mcg vitamin A and 1020 mcg B-carotene per 100 ml blood plasma. The liver of a 1168 pound cow had the equivalent of 16.3 million I. U. vitamin A. The cows had livers with approximately 28 times more vitamin A, and plasma 5.5 times more B-carotene than steers fed a finishing ration containing 10% yellow corn meal and 5% alfalfa meal for 140 days. Beef cows grazing well managed Florida improved pasture would obtain more than sufficient vitamin A for maintenance, reproduction, and milk production as indicated by their performance and storage of this vitamin.Type