Box, T. W., & Perry, R. A. (1971). Rangeland management in Australia. Journal of Range Management, 24(3), 167-171.Publisher
Society for Range ManagementJournal
Journal of Range ManagementDOI
10.2307/3896765Additional Links
The term "rangeland" in Australia is used to designate the arid and semi-arid areas unsuitable for crop production. The lands of this pastoral zone cover about 2,200,000 square miles. This vast area accounts for 74% of the continent, yet it is occupied by only 3% of its people. Of the total area, over 99% is unimproved native rangeland, less than one-half of one percent is improved pasture, and less than one-tenth of one percent is cropped. Almost a third of the land is unoccupied. The arid rangelands carry about a third of the country's sheep and beef cattle. These livestock produce about A$400,000,000 in export income for the country. Ranges are managed on a low capital and labor input system. Many of the larger cattle properties are unfenced; livestock are controlled by water development. Areas around water and smaller properties in the arid zone may be severely deteriorated in range condition. Current research projects are designed to provide information to prevent further decline in productivity, aid development, and to improve management.Type