Production of Graphite Targets by Deposition from Co/H2 for Precision Accelerator 14C Measurements
Jull, A. J. T., Donahue, D. J., Hatheway, A. L., Linick, T. W., & Toolin, L. J. (1986). Production of graphite targets by deposition from CO/H2 for precision accelerator 14C measurements. Radiocarbon, 28(2A), 191-197.Publisher
American Journal of ScienceJournal
From the 12th International Radiocarbon Conference held in Trondheim, June 24-28, 1985.Additional Links
A method has been developed at the Arizona AMS facility for production of graphite directly from CO2 by catalytic reduction of CO/H2 mixtures. The method is a modification of procedures discussed by Vogel et al (1984). Currents of 12C- from these targets vary considerably, but have a median value which is 70% of that achieved from spectroscopic graphite. Precisions of +/- 60 to 100 yr are routinely achieved for 14C ages of 5000-yr-old samples containing one milligram of carbon. The yield of 14C from "blank" targets is 0.6 +/- 0.1% of that from modern material.Type