Leavitt, S. W., & Danzer, S. R. (1992). delta-13C variations in C3 plants over the past 50,000 years. Radiocarbon, 34(3), 783-791.Journal
From the 14th International Radiocarbon Conference held in Tucson, AZ, May 20-24, 1991.Additional Links
We examined three sets of data to determine if there are consistent changes in delta-13C of C3 plants through time, under the hypothesis that environmental changes from glacial to postglacial may have caused such isotopic changes over the last 50 ka. The records of delta-13C change in all types of plant data from RADIOCARBON and from the University of Arizona Radiocarbon Laboratory archives both reveal significant decline of 0.8-1.0 per mil in delta-13C from preto post-10 ka BP averages. The delta-13C of wood data alone from RADIOCARBON shows a larger significant decline of 3.0 per mil, and twigs, leaves and Juniperus categories from the Arizona data individually show declines of 0.4-1.44 per mil. Peat and charcoal from both data sets show no significant mean delta-13C differences. A highly constrained set of wood samples from the Great Lakes region spanning the last 12 ka show isotopic changes of ca. 3 per mil, but most of that variation apparently does not reflect global environmental changes.Type