Bhawad LL6 chondrite: Chemistry, petrology, noble gases, nuclear tracks, and cosmogenic radionuclides
Bhandari, N.Murty, S. V. S.
Shukla, P. N.
Mahajan, R. R.
Shukla, A. D.
Suthar, K. M.
Parthasarathy, G.
Paliwal, B. S.
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Bhandari, N., Murty, S. V. S., Shukla, P. N., Mahajan, R. R., Shukla, A. D., Suthar, K. M., ... & Paliwal, B. S. (2005). Bhawad LL6 chondrite: Chemistry, petrology, noble gases, nuclear tracks, and cosmogenic radionuclides. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 40(7), 1015-1021.Publisher
The Meteoritical SocietyJournal
Meteoritics & Planetary ScienceAdditional Links
Chemical and mineral analysis of the Bhawad chondrite, which fell in Rajasthan in 2002, suggest that this stone belongs to LL6 group of chondrites. Based on helium, neon, and argon isotopes, it has a cosmic ray exposure age of 16.3 Ma. The track density in the olivines shows a narrow range of 1.7-6.8 106/cm2. The 22Na/26Al ratio of 1.13 is about 25% lower than the solar cycle average value of about 1.5, but is consistent with irradiation of the meteoroid to modulated galactic cosmic ray fluxes as expected for a fall around the solar maximum. The cosmogenic records indicate a pre-atmospheric radius of about 7.5 cm. Based on U/Th-4He and K-40Ar, the gas retention ages are low (about 1.1 Ga), indicating a major thermal event or shock event that lead to the complete loss of radiogenic 4He and 40Ar and the partial loss of radiogenic 129Xe and fission Xe from 244Pu.Type