Stellar nucleosynthetic contribution of extinct short-lived nuclei in the early solar system and the associated isotopic effects
Sahijpal, S., & Soni, P. (2006). Stellar nucleosynthetic contribution of extinct short‐lived nuclei in the early solar system and the associated isotopic effects. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 41(6), 953-976.Publisher
The Meteoritical SocietyJournal
Meteoritics & Planetary ScienceAdditional Links
A wide range of stellar nucleosynthetic sources has been analyzed to derive their contributions of short-lived and stable nuclei to the presolar cloud. This detailed study is required to infer the most plausible source(s) of short-lived nuclei through a critical comparison among the various stellar sources that include AGB stars, novae, supernovae II, Ia, and Wolf-Rayet stars that evolved to supernovae Ib/c. In order to produce the canonical value of 26Al/27Al in the early solar system, almost all stellar sources except low-mass AGB stars imply large isotopic anomalies in Ca-Al-rich inclusions (CAIs). This is contrary to the observed isotopic compositions of CAIs. The discrepancy could impose stringent constraints on the formation and thermal evolution of CAIs from different chondrites. Among the various stellar scenarios, the injection of short-lived nuclei into the previously formed solar protoplanetary disc by a massive star of an ad hoc chosen high-injection mass cut is a possible scenario. There is a possibility of the contribution of short-lived nuclides by a 1.5-3 Mʘ AGB star as it implies the smallest shift in stable isotopes. A low-mass AGB star of relatively low metallicity would be even a better source of short-lived nuclei. However, this scenario would require independent gravitational collapse of the presolar cloud coupled with ambipolar diffusion of magnetic flux. Alternatively, numerous scenarios can be postulated that involve distant (greater than or equal to 10 pc) massive stars can contribute 60Fe to the presolar cloud and can trigger its gravitational collapse. These scenarios would require production of 26Al and 41Ca by irradiation in the early solar system. Significant production of 26Al and 60Fe can be explained if massive, rotating Wolf-Rayet stars that evolved to supernovae Ib/c were involved.Type