Laboratory testing and calibration of the upgraded MMT adaptive secondary mirror
Vaz, AmaliMorzinski, Katie M.
Montoya, Manny
Fellows, Chuck
Ford, John
Gardner, Andrew
Durney, Olivier
West, Grant
Harrison, Lori
Gacon, Frank
Downey, Elwood
Carlson, Jared
Mailhot, Emily
Anugu, Narsireddy
Jannuzi, Buell
Hinz, Phil
Steward Observatory, University of ArizonaIssue Date
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Vaz, A., Morzinski, K. M., Montoya, M., Fellows, C., Ford, J., Gardner, A., ... & Hinz, P. (2020, December). Laboratory testing and calibration of the upgraded MMT adaptive secondary mirror. In Adaptive Optics Systems VII (Vol. 11448, p. 114485L). International Society for Optics and Photonics.Rights
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This item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at
The MMT Adaptive optics exoPlanet characterization System (MAPS) is a broad overhaul and upgrade of AO instrumentation at the 6.5-m MMT observatory, from deformable secondary mirror, through pyramid wavefront sensors in both the visible and near-infrared, to improved science cameras. MAPS is an NSF MSIP-funded program whose ultimate goal is a facility optimized for exoplanet characterization. Here we describe the laboratory testing and calibration of one MAPS component: the refurbished MMT adaptive secondary mirror (ASM). The new ASM includes a complete redesign of electronics and actuators, including simplified hub-level electronics and digital electronics incorporated into the actuators themselves. The redesign reduces total power to ?300W, from the original system's 1800W, which in turn allows us to eliminate liquid cooling at the hub with no loss of performance. We present testing strategies, results, and lessons learned from laboratory experience with the MAPS ASM. We discuss calibrations first on the level of individual actuators, including capacitive position sensing, force response function, and individual closed-loop position control with an improved control law. We then describe investigations into the full ASM system-hub, actuators, thin shell, and human-to understand how to optimize interactions between components for dynamical shape control using a feedforward matrix. Finally, we present our results in the form of feedforward matrix and control law parameters that successfully produce a desired mirror surface within 1ms settling time. © 2020 SPIE.ISSN
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