Ono, Yoshito H.Minowa, Yosuke
Guyon, Olivier
Clergeon, Christophe S.
Mieda, Etsuko
Lozi, Julien
Hattori, Takashi
Akiyama, Masayuki
College of Optical Sciences, University of ArizonaIssue Date
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Ono, Y. H., Minowa, Y., Guyon, O., Clergeon, C. S., Mieda, E., Lozi, J., ... & Akiyama, M. (2020, December). Overview of AO activities at Subaru Telescope. In Adaptive Optics Systems VII (Vol. 11448, p. 114480K). International Society for Optics and Photonics.Rights
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This item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at
Currently, two AO systems are operated at Subaru Telescope: AO188, which is a facility AO system, and SCExAO, which is a PI-type ExAO system operated behind AO188. In the next 5 year, large-scale upgrades are performed on AO188 for improving the AO performance and operation of AO188 and SCExAO and for the technical demonstration toward the future wide-field ULTIMATE-Subaru GLAO system at Subaru and an ExAO system at TMT, PSI. We are planning to upgrade the real-time control system, the LGS system, and bimorph DM. Also, a new NIR WFS, a LTAO WFS unit, and a beam-switching system will be installed into the Nasmyth IR platform. The installation of the LTAO WFS unit is a part of the ULTIMATE-START project, which implement a LTAO mode into AO188 and demonstrates technologies for the ULTIMATE-Subaru GLAO system. ULTIMATE-Subaru project aims at developing a next-generation, wide-field GLAO system and wide-field NIR instruments for Subaru Telescope, whose first light will be in FY2025. © 2020 SPIE.ISSN
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