The mission of the Arizona Pest Management Center (APMC) is to support College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) faculty in their efforts to develop and deliver outstanding Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs that address the needs of Arizona’s citizens. This includes IPM programs serving agriculture, urban communities and natural areas.


For information, please contact APMC at https://acis.cals.arizona.edu/about-us/arizona-pest-management-center.

Recent Submissions

  • The University of Arizona 2022 Cotton Variety Testing Program - Trial Results

    Norton, Randy; University of Arizona, Extension Agronomist (College of Agriculture, Life & Veterinary Sciences & Cooperative Extension, University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ), 2023-02)
    Variety selection is one of the most important decisions a grower will make contributing to the success of a cotton crop. It is critical, that a grower have as much information as possible in order to make an informed decision regarding variety selection. In an effort to help supply reliable variety performance information, the University of Arizona conducts a statewide cotton variety testing program. The 2022 cotton season variety trials were conducted in 3 locations across Arizona including Yuma, Maricopa, and Safford. This testing program is called the University of Arizona Upland Cotton Advanced Strains Testing Program.
  • Highly Hazardous Pesticide Phase-Out for US Cotton Growers: Alternatives, Risks, and Opportunities

    Wynne, Karen; Fournier, Alfred; Ellsworth, Peter C.; Better Cotton Initiative; University of Arizona (2023-01)
    As part of its focus on making cotton production better for the environment and the people who produce it, Better Cotton is committed to reducing the hazardous impacts of pesticide use on human health and the environment. Better Cotton supports farmers to prioritizeIPM practices, phase out Highly Hazardous Pesticides (HHPs), and minimize the negative impacts of pesticides that continue to be used. We reviewed seven of the most acutely toxic substances that have been used by Better Cotton growers in the US to understand risks to human health and the environment, chemical and cultural alternatives, mitigation measures, and tradeoffs and limitations. The active ingredients are abamectin, aldicarb, bifenthrin, dicrotophos, lambda-cyhalothrin, oxamyl, and phorate. The information reviewed includes pesticide use reports from California and Arizona, interviews with key regional experts, EPA risk assessment documents, the IPM Institute’s Pesticide Risk Tool, and other online resources. HHPs are defined by the World Health Organization and UN Food and Agriculture Organization; Better Cotton reviews and revises its list annually to reflect updates to product information.
  • Highly Hazardous Pesticide Phase-Out for US Cotton Growers: Alternatives, Risks, and Opportunities

    Ellsworth, Peter C.; Fournier, Alfred; University of Arizona, Department of Entomology, Maricopa Agricultural Center (2022-09-30)
    The global community has identified sets of highly hazardous pesticides, of which at least 16 are in use by US cotton growers, four of those are prohibited and others are targeted by Better Cotton for phase-out. While there have been attempts to unify this information into a single list, agencies and organizations have maintained their own versions of highly hazardous pesticides. This report examines current use patterns, utility and efficacy; alternative pest management technologies and techniques including their efficacy, limitations and trade-offs; specific environmental and human health hazards, and translation to risks in the US cotton system, and efficacy and limitations of mitigations. We also present barriers to phase-out for each insecticide and the ramifications this might have for Better Cotton’s US cotton production. Lastly, we identify opportunities for supporting growers during this period of transition, including with coordinated education and outreach.