Welcome to the Rangelands archives. The archives provide public access, in a "rolling window" agreement with the Society for Range Management, to Rangelands (1979-present) from v.1 up to two years from the present year.

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ISSN: 0190-0528


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Recent Submissions

  • Forum: A Framework for Resetting Wild Horse and Burro Management

    Perryman, B. L.; McCuin, G.; Schultz, B. W. (Society for Range Management, 2018-10)
    There are now over 130,000 head of wild horses and burros in the Bureau of Land Management program. Management tools in the original authorizations (Wild Horse and Burro Act; Public Rangelands Improvement Act) have been inhibited or banned by subsequent appropriation riders. The original framework for horse and burro management has been undermined, leading to on-range populations in excess of legally mandated levels. New, creative approaches to horse and burro management are required to bring populations back to legally mandated and ecologically appropriate levels. The Society for Range Management
  • Utilization and Residual Measurements: Tools for Adaptive Rangeland Management

    Society for Range Management, 2018-10
    Utilization levels and residual height are tools for adaptive management, not management objectives. Utilization/residual measurements are subject to many sources of sampling, procedural and personal errors. Season of measurement has a strong influence on interpretation of results. Utilization/residual guidelines are not rigid limits to be met every year, but a tool to identify stocking rate or distribution problems over several years. Utilization/residual data must be relevant to management objectives. Time, location, and protocol for measurement must be documented in plans, reports or management decisions based on the use of the data. The Society for Range Management
  • The Influence of Protection From Grazing on Cholistan Desert Vegetation, Pakistan

    Zubair, M.; Saleem, A.; Baig, M. A.; Islam, M.; Razzaq, A.; Gul, S.; Ahmad, S.; Moyo, H. P.; Hassan, S.; Rischkowsky, B.; et al. (Society for Range Management, 2018-10)
    The information from this study is important for helping promote a more sustainable use of resources, such as grasses and shrubs, and in increasing an understanding of the utilization dynamics and their impact on potential recovery in the study area and beyond. This study contributes insight toward ensuring the achievement of conservation measures outside protected areas to restore biodiversity in degraded habitats, through comparing the plant characteristics between a protected and unprotected site. This study substantiates other findings, which suggest that using protected areas is one of several strategies that need to be adopted for recovering lost biodiversity and ensure their effective management. This study improves our understanding of how shifts in vegetation characteristics resulting from land use change and management can modify the recovery of, in the case of Cholistan, previously grazed vegetation. The Society for Range Management
  • Controlling One-Seed Juniper Saplings With Small Ruminants: What We Have Learned

    Estell, R. E.; Cibils, A. F.; Utsumi, S. A.; Stricklan, D.; Butler, E. M.; Fish, A. I.; Ganguli, A. C. (Society for Range Management, 2018-10)
    Protein supplements and polyethylene glycol increased juniper intake by small ruminants in all seasons except fall, when PSM concentrations were greatest. Terpenes were affected by season and sapling size, and were related to juniper intake by small ruminants. Small sapling browsing occurred most frequently in summer. Debarking of branches on taller saplings was greatest in spring. Ten years later, juniper kill ranged from 5-14%. Growth suppression was still evident after 10 years; browsed saplings averaged 13 cm shorter than controls. Strategies to target grazing of one-seed juniper are more likely to succeed if aligned with periods when PSM are lowest. The Society for Range Management
  • A Comparison of Two Herbaceous Cover Sampling Methods to Assess Ecosystem Services in High-Shrub Rangelands: Photography-Based Grid Point Intercept (GPI) Versus Quadrat Sampling

    Hulvey, K. B.; Thomas, K.; Thacker, E. (Society for Range Management, 2018-10)
    We used photography-based grid point intercept (GPI) analysis and Daubenmire to assess ecosystem services in high-shrub rangelands. Cover estimates were higher for some functional groups when using Daubenmire, likely because Daubenmire frames were situated below the shrub canopy and thus included subcanopy cover, whereas GPI photographs taken above the canopy could not eliminate shrubs that obscured subcanopy attributes. Choice of methods affected assessment of two ecosystem services: sage-grouse habitat quality and site biodiversity; each was higher when using Daubenmire. Understanding cover-estimate differences that stem from using GPI photo plots versus Daubenmire will allow practitioners to decide if GPI methods address project objectives.
  • Browsing the Literature

    Germino, M. (Society for Range Management, 2018-10)
  • Highlights

    Sheley, R. (Society for Range Management, 2018-10)