Rangelands, Volume 41, Number 6 (2019)
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ISSN: 0190-0528
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Recent Submissions
Ecological Sites: Can they be Managed to Promote Livestock Production?We assessed diet quality and livestock weight gains for shortgrass steppe pastures dominated by Loamy Plains or Sandy Plains ecological sites. When growing season precipitation is “normal,” livestock gains are higher on Sandy Plains ecological sites, and diet quality is not limiting livestock production. Conversely, when growing season precipitation declines by ≥ 20%, digestible organic matter, but not crude protein, influences livestock gains. These negative effects on livestock gains are more pronounced for the Loamy Plains ecological site. Pastures with multiple ecological sites may provide range managers greater forage diversity for livestock and higher livestock gains during dry growing seasons.
Using WebGIS to Develop a Spatial Bibliography for Organizing, Mapping, and Disseminating Research Information: A Case Study of Quaking AspenSpatial data is valuable to researchers for locating studies that occur in a particular area of interest, or one with similar attributes. Without a standard in publishing protocol, spatial data largely goes unreported, or is difficult to find without searching the publication. Assigning location data and displaying points on a public web map makes locating publications based on spatial location possible.
Rangelands Table of Contents Volume 41, Number 6 (2019)Society for Range Management, 2019-12