Welcome to the Rangelands archives. The archives provide public access, in a "rolling window" agreement with the Society for Range Management, to Rangelands (1979-present) from v.1 up to two years from the present year.

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ISSN: 0190-0528


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Recent Submissions

  • Trophic ecology warrants multispecies management in a grassland setting: Proposed species interactions on black-tailed prairie dog colonies

    Parker, R.A.; Duchardt, C.J.; Dwyer, A.M.; Painter, C.; Pierce, A.K.; Michels, T.J.; Wunder, M.B. (Society for Range Management, 2019-06)
    Trophic cascades occur when flora and fauna directly and/or indirectly influence co-occurring species populations at different levels of the food chain, and North American temperate grasslands provide an interesting case study to research these relationships. We briefly define trophic cascades in terrestrial systems and explore the potential for a cascading trophic interaction among grassland-associated swift fox (Vulpes velox), western burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia hypugaea), and mountain plover (Charadrius montanus), three rangeland species of conservation concern, on black-tailed prairie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) colonies using two US Forest Service data sets. Historic patterns of occurrence and co-occurrence suggest top-down control governs the spatiotemporal distribution patterns of the three species and may be influenced by habitat fragmentation and management actions. Managing for interactive, multitrophic communities requires the identification of species interactions and the mechanisms that drive them. Long-term multispecies occupancy research, combined with hypothesized driving mechanisms and the co-occurrence of associated grassland species, is recommended for addressing these complex interactions moving forward. The Society for Range Management
  • Plant Phenology: Taking the Pulse of Rangelands

    Browning, D.M.; Snyder, K.A.; Herrick, J.E. (Society for Range Management, 2019-06)
    Plant phenology—timing of seasonal life cycle events—is a primary control on ecosystem productivity. Phenology data can be used to design better management systems by adjusting the timing of grazing or managed burns relative to growth stages of key species and planning restoration activities, such as targeted grazing. Tower-mounted digital cameras (phenocams) provide a cost-effective way to collect data to capture phenology metrics for vegetation greenness. Phenocam greenness values can provide canopy-level metrics in real time for a fraction of the cost of field observations and link field and satellite observations to reveal species contributions to greenness.
  • An Assessment of Riparian Shrub Browsing

    Larson, L.L.; Larson, P.A. (Society for Range Management, 2019-06)
    Browse estimates in this study were made using a random sampling strategy to monitor riparian shrub communities using presence or absence to determine the percent of shrub occupancy and intensity of browsing. This height-based shrub monitoring takes the guesswork out of complex browse estimates. The strategic timing of monitoring periods facilitates separation of wildlife and livestock browsing impacts. Height-based shrub monitoring was an efficient and repeatable method for tracking shrub occupancy, maturity, and shrub form. The Society for Range Management
  • Yellowstone's Prehistoric Bison: A Comment on Keigley (2019)

    Beschta, R.L.; Ripple, W.J. (Society for Range Management, 2019-06)
    We provide additional information addressing the issue of whether American bison (Bison bison) were generally absent or present in Yellowstone National Park prior to its establishment in 1872. Our results support Keigley's conclusion that bison herds before the mid-1800s were absent in Yellowstone National park, and particularly the park's northern range. Our results also support Keigley's conclusion that bison had no significant role in the ecological processes that helped shape the park's original landscape.
  • Editor's Choice from Rangeland Ecology and Management

    Jin, X.H.; Chen, M.J.; Fan, Y.M.; Duan, H.; Yan, L. (Society for Range Management, 2019-06)
  • Browsing the Literature

    Germino, M. (Society for Range Management, 2019-06)