Cross-correlation of Dark Energy Survey Year 3 lensing data with ACT and Planck thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect observations. II. Modeling and constraints on halo pressure profiles
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Department of Astronomy/Steward Observatory, University of ArizonaDepartment of Physics, University of Arizona
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American Physical SocietyCitation
Pandey, S., Gatti, M., Baxter, E., Hill, J. C., Fang, X., Doux, C., Giannini, G., Raveri, M., Derose, J., Huang, H., Moser, E., Battaglia, N., Alarcon, A., Amon, A., Becker, M., Campos, A., Chang, C., Chen, R., Choi, A., … (DES and ACT Collaboration). (2022). Cross-correlation of Dark Energy Survey Year 3 lensing data with ACT and Planck thermal Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect observations. II. Modeling and constraints on halo pressure profiles. Physical Review D, 105(12).Journal
Physical Review DRights
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Hot, ionized gas leaves an imprint on the cosmic microwave background via the thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (tSZ) effect. The cross-correlation of gravitational lensing (which traces the projected mass) with the tSZ effect (which traces the projected gas pressure) is a powerful probe of the thermal state of ionized baryons throughout the Universe and is sensitive to effects such as baryonic feedback. In a companion paper (Gatti et al. Phys. Rev. D 105, 123525 (2022)PRVDAQ2470-0010), we present tomographic measurements and validation tests of the cross-correlation between Galaxy shear measurements from the first three years of observations of the Dark Energy Survey and tSZ measurements from a combination of Atacama Cosmology Telescope and Planck observations. In this work, we use the same measurements to constrain models for the pressure profiles of halos across a wide range of halo mass and redshift. We find evidence for reduced pressure in low-mass halos, consistent with predictions for the effects of feedback from active Galactic nuclei. We infer the hydrostatic mass bias (BM500c/MSZ) from our measurements, finding B=1.8±0.1 when adopting the Planck-preferred cosmological parameters. We additionally find that our measurements are consistent with a nonzero redshift evolution of B, with the correct sign and sufficient magnitude to explain the mass bias necessary to reconcile cluster count measurements with the Planck-preferred cosmology. Our analysis introduces a model for the impact of intrinsic alignments (IAs) of galaxy shapes on the shear-tSZ correlation. We show that IA can have a significant impact on these correlations at current noise levels. © 2022 American Physical Society.Note
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