Rangelands, Volume 42, Number 6 (2020)
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ISSN: 0190-0528
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Recent Submissions
Rangelands Table of Contents Volume 42, Number 6 (2020)Society for Range Management, 2020-12
Herbicide treatment of Western honey mesquiteOnce mesquite encroachment is initiated it is difficult to reverse and continually degrades grasslands, hindering grass production that benefits both livestock and wildlife. We evaluated the effectiveness of Sendero herbicide in the treatment of western honey mesquite. We compared two treatment types (Sendero and Sendero plus Remedy Ultra) and two application methods (individual plant treatment and aerial broadcast). Percent cover of grasses and some forbs increased throughout our study sites post treatment. All treatment types were successful at decreasing the percent canopy cover of western honey mesquite, and we found no difference between treatment types. © 2020 The Society for Range Management
Snapshot of rancher perspectives on creative cattle management optionsWe assessed rancher perceptions of three creative management strategies (heritage genetics, precision ranching, and alternate supply chain options) at the 2020 Southwest Beef Symposium. Nearly all cattle producers (n = 36), mostly from Texas and New Mexico, currently monitor rainfall and more than half are interested in additional rainfall information. Some producers would consider using animal tracking sensors (31%), rainfall sensors (42%), and water level sensors (50%). Most producers surveyed raise British breeds (72%), but some (11%) are interested in learning about Spanish Heritage breeds. Nearly all (33 of 36) respondents self-identified as ranchers, with nearly half (16 of 33) knowing where their cattle are finished at least some of the time. Eight of 36 survey respondents indicated grass-finishing and other supply chain options as the topic most immediately applicable to their operation. Please see the project website (https://southwestbeef.org/) for newsletters, on-ranch demonstrations, and research updates. © 2020 The Society for Range Management
Mismatches in prescribed fire awareness and implementation in Oklahoma, USAWe surveyed residents across Oklahoma about their awareness of prescribed fire. Most respondents expressed support for prescribed fire for managing rangelands. Although there was support for prescribed fire, few individuals implemented it. Of the several reasons given for not burning, the most common were lack of training, lack of equipment, and choosing not to burn. © 2020 The Society for Range Management