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ISSN: 0190-0528


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Recent Submissions

  • A GPS-based Evaluation of Factors Commonly Used to Adjust Cattle Stocking Rates on Both Extensive and Mountainous Rangelands

    Millward, M.F.; Bailey, D.W.; Cibils, A.F.; Holechek, J.L. (Society for Range Management, 2020-06)
    Published research provides guidelines to reduce stocking rates on areas >10% slope and >1.6 km from water because these areas may be considered ungrazeable. Data from 180 cattle tracked by GPS collars for 1 to 4 months at seven ranches in New Mexico, Arizona, and Montana on average resulted in grazeable area calculations that were approximately 10% higher than those derived from published guidelines. In several cases, published guidelines yielded more conservative stocking rate estimates compared with our GPS-based calculations. However, our data should be interpreted with caution because most data were collected over a single season or year. Our results support recommending local experience and information be used in applying published guidelines to adjust stocking rates. These guidelines may not reflect site-specific management and the adaptability of cattle to local conditions. Animal GPS tracking is a sound tool to monitor spatial impact of grazing on rangelands and could be used to enhance commonly used stocking rate adjustment tools, such as annual monitoring of precipitation, forage production, and grazing intensity on key areas. © 2020 The Authors
  • Using Stubble Height to Monitor Livestock Disturbance Near Streams: How a Recent Critique is Relevant to the Protection of Cold-water Salmonids

    Roper, B.B. (Society for Range Management, 2020-06)
    The measurement of utilization and residual vegetation (stubble height) is a valuable tool in managing livestock disturbance but it is often improperly measured, and results misinterpreted. A common situation for these concerns is when stubble height protocols and rationales used for terrestrial areas are applied to riparian zones and the protection of fish habitat. Protocols used to assess stubble height near streams and serve as a surrogate for fish habitat may differ from approaches used to protect upland plant vigor. Measurements of stubble height designed to protect fish habitat can include the measurement of all herbaceous vegetation along the greenline and should be evaluated following the removal of livestock and after the growing season ends. In allotments with threatened salmonids or other at-risk aquatic species, stubble heights necessary to protect fish habitat may exceed what is necessary to maintain forage production for livestock. Properly determined and applied near stream stubble height standards can protect important fish habitats while providing accountability for grazing management. Consistent livestock management above standards will improve salmonid habitats and undermine arguments used by organizations that would like to limit livestock grazing on public lands. If range conservationists and fisheries biologists work together to develop monitoring protocols for stubble height or other metrics that can be used to improve fish habitat, the application of proper standards to manage livestock disturbance near streams should benefit the fish, the land management agencies, and the ranchers that rely on grazing public lands. © 2020
  • Native American influences on the Northern Yellowstone Range—A reply

    Yonk, R.M.; Mosley, J.C.; Husby, P.O. (Society for Range Management, 2020-06)
  • Corrigendum to “Using WebGIS to Develop a Spatial Bibliography for Organizing, Mapping, and Disseminating Research Information: A Case Study of Quaking Aspen” [Rangelands 41 (2019) 244–247] (Rangelands (2019) 41(6) (244–247), (S0190052819300483), (10.1016/j.rala.2019.10.001))

    Howell, R.G.; Petersen, S.L.; Balzotti, C.S.; Rogers, P.C.; Jackson, M.W.; Kitchen, S.G.; Hedrich, A.E. (Society for Range Management, 2020-06)
    The authors regret that co-author Stan G. Kitchen was mistakenly omitted from the list of authors in the published paper. The corrected list of authors is presented above. The authors would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused. © 2020 The Author(s)
  • Browsing the Literature

    Germino, M. (Society for Range Management, 2020-06)
  • Editor’s Choice from Rangeland Ecology and Management

    Sheley, R. (Society for Range Management, 2020-06)
  • Rangeland Ecology & Management Highlights, Volume 73, Issue 3

    Di Stéfano, S.; Fletcher, T.; Jansen, V.; Jones, C.; Karl, J. (Society for Range Management, 2020-06)