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dc.contributor.authorChang, Steven J.
dc.contributor.authorMayhew, David
dc.descriptionPoster presented at EDUCAUSE Annual Conference 2023, Chicago IL, October 11, 2023.en_US
dc.description.abstractStudent success at the University of Arizona is supported by several departments. Previously these units were scattered across campus. Students who used services from more than one department would often have to go to multiple locations. The Student Success District was largely conceived to make it more convenient for students to access the services that they need. Construction began in 2019 to transform a nine-acre section of campus into a district that included three existing buildings, the Main Library, the Albert B. Weaver Science-Engineering Library, and Bear Down Gym. The addition of the new Bartlett Academic Success Center would round out the concept. As described on its website, "Outdoor patios and walkways become more than connections between buildings; they provide unique spaces for everything from collaboration to meditation...the Student Success District is the place that drives students’ 24/7 development through an array of student support services and spaces based on collaborative, hands-on learning with deep technological engagement" ( Today, students at the University of Arizona can go to a one-stop shop to seek advising (A Center), get tutoring (Think Tank), learn success strategies (Thrive), and prepare for employment (Student Engagement and Career Development). They can also work with classmates at any of the multitude of study spaces, get a quick workout at the newest Campus Recreation facility, or grab a bite to eat at the local micro-market. For the University of Arizona Libraries (UAL) the nascence of the Student Success District provided an opportunity to reimagine its role in student success. It has resulted in major renovations and a significant expansion in services. Students can use state-of-the-art training facilities, borrow technology for their course work, and work on group projects in rooms equipped for remote collaboration. UAL’s transformation into a hub for student success resources has brought it national recognition. Recently, the District and UAL were featured in EdTech Magazine. This October, UAL will be hosting the Designing Libraries X conference. To keep pace with the UAL’s rapid evolution, UAL’s Technology Strategy and Services department (TeSS) is undergoing its own transformation. The District introduced new technologies to the UAL which requires TeSS staff to rapidly become proficient with new skill sets. An expanded and growing portfolio requires TeSS to grow its own department, both to support the additional work as well as to onboard new expertise. As the UAL’s portfolio changes, TeSS is working with stakeholders to introduce user-centric tools that support the technology.
dc.rightsCopyright © The Author(s).en_US
dc.titleReshaping Library IT to Support Student Successen_US
dc.contributor.departmentUniversity of Arizonaen_US
dc.description.collectioninformationThis item from the Library Presentations and Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at

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