An Undefined Global Threat: A Brief History and the Human Rights Implications of the Lack of a Universal Definition of Terrorism [Article]
40 Ariz. J. Int'l & Comp. L. 389 (2024)Description
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This article seeks to stimulate truly critical thought on terrorism by providing a proposed universal definition. The background of this article briefly touches on the history of terrorism-broadly defined for historical analysis as the use of politically motivated violence by a non-state group against governments or the public. It then examines national and regional definitions of terrorism. Lastly, it provides an overview of international efforts aimed at defining, preventing, and criminalizing terrorism. The analysis explains why the lack of a universal definition is such a pressing issue for human rights. This article argues that the problem is one of both over- and under-inclusiveness: over-inclusiveness as to the proscribed conduct and under-inclusiveness as to perpetrators. Finally, the analysis proposes a universal definition of terrorism and presents the framework within which such a definition could be adopted and implemented at the international level.Type