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Measurement of the H→ γγ and H→ ZZ∗→ 4 ℓ cross-sections in pp collisions at √s=13.6 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Final Published Version
Aad, G.Abbott, B.
Abeling, K.
Abicht, N.J.
Abidi, S.H.
Aboulhorma, A.
Abramowicz, H.
Abreu, H.
Abulaiti, Y.
Acharya, B.S.
Bourdarios, C.A.
Adamczyk, L.
Adamek, L.
Addepalli, S.V.
Addison, M.J.
Adelman, J.
Adiguzel, A.
Adye, T.
Affolder, A.A.
Afik, Y.
Agaras, M.N.
Agarwala, J.
Aggarwal, A.
Agheorghiesei, C.
Ahmad, A.
Ahmadov, F.
Ahmed, W.S.
Ahuja, S.
Ai, X.
Aielli, G.
Aikot, A.
Tamlihat, M.A.
Aitbenchikh, B.
Aizenberg, I.
Akbiyik, M.
Åkesson, T.P.A.
Akimov, A.V.
Akiyama, D.
Akolkar, N.N.
Khoury, K.A.
Alberghi, G.L.
Albert, J.
Albicocco, P.
Albouy, G.L.
Alderweireldt, S.
Aleksa, M.
Aleksandrov, I.N.
Alexa, C.
Alexopoulos, T.
Alfonsi, F.
Algren, M.
Alhroob, M.
Ali, B.
Ali, H.M.J.
Ali, S.
Alibocus, S.W.
Aliev, M.
Alimonti, G.
Alkakhi, W.
Allaire, C.
Allbrooke, B.M.M.
Allen, J.F.
Flores, C.A.A.
Allport, P.P.
Aloisio, A.
Alonso, F.
Alpigiani, C.
Estevez, M.A.
Fernandez, A.A.
Cardoso, M.A.
Alviggi, M.G.
Aly, M.
Coutinho, Y.A.
Ambler, A.
Amelung, C.
Amerl, M.
Ames, C.G.
Amidei, D.
Dos, Santos, L.F.
Amos, K.R.
Ananiev, V.
Anastopoulos, C.
Andeen, T.
Anders, J.K.
Andrean, S.Y.
Andreazza, A.
Angelidakis, S.
Angerami, A.
Anisenkov, A.V.
Annovi, A.
Antel, C.
Anthony, M.T.
Antipov, E.
Antonelli, M.
Anulli, F.
Aoki, M.
Aoki, T.
Pozo, J.A.A.
Aparo, M.A.
Bella, L.A.
Appelt, C.
Apyan, A.
Aranzabal, N.
Arcangeletti, C.
Arce, A.T.H.
Arena, E.
Arguin, J.-F.
Argyropoulos, S.
Arling, J.-H.
Arnaez, O.
Arnold, H.
Artoni, G.
Asada, H.
Asai, K.
Asai, S.
Asbah, N.A.
Assahsah, J.
Assamagan, K.
Astalos, R.
Atashi, S.
Atkin, R.J.
Atkinson, M.
Atmani, H.
Atmasiddha, P.A.
Augsten, K.
Auricchio, S.
Auriol, A.D.
Austrup, V.A.
Avolio, G.
Axiotis, K.
Azuelos, G.
Babal, D.
Bachacou, H.
Bachas, K.
Bachiu, A.
Backman, F.
Badea, A.
Bagnaia, P.
Bahmani, M.
Bailey, A.J.
Bailey, V.R.
Baines, J.T.
Baines, L.
Bakalis, C.
Baker, O.K.
Bakos, E.
Gupta, D.B.
Balakrishnan, V.
Balasubramanian, R.
Baldin, E.M.
Balek, P.
Ballabene, E.
Balli, F.
Baltes, L.M.
Balunas, W.K.
Balz, J.
Banas, E.
Bandieramonte, M.
Bandyopadhyay, A.
Bansal, S.
Barak, L.
Barakat, M.
Barberio, E.L.
Barberis, D.
Barbero, M.
Barel, M.Z.
Barends, K.N.
Barillari, T.
Barisits, M.-S.
Barklow, T.
Baron, P.
Moreno, D.A.B.
Baroncelli, A.
Barone, G.
Barr, A.J.
Barr, J.D.
Navarro, L.B.
Barreiro, F.
da, Costa, L.N.
Barron, U.
Teixeira, M.G.B.
Barsov, S.
Bartels, F.
Bartoldus, R.
Barton, A.E.
Bartos, P.
Basan, A.
Baselga, M.
Bassalat, A.
Basso, M.J.
Basson, C.R.
Bates, R.L.
Batlamous, S.
Batley, J.R.
Batool, B.
Battaglia, M.
Battulga, D.
Bauce, M.
Bauer, M.
Bauer, P.
Hurrell, L.T.B.
Beacham, J.B.
Beau, T.
Beauchemin, P.H.
Becherer, F.
Bechtle, P.
Beck, H.P.
Becker, K.
Beddall, A.J.
Bednyakov, V.A.
Bee, C.P.
Beemster, L.J.
Beermann, T.A.
Begalli, M.
Begel, M.
Behera, A.
Behr, J.K.
Beirer, J.F.
Beisiegel, F.
Belfkir, M.
Bella, G.
Bellagamba, L.
Bellerive, A.
Bellos, P.
Beloborodov, K.
Benchekroun, D.
Bendebba, F.
Benhammou, Y.
Benoit, M.
Bensinger, J.R.
Bentvelsen, S.
Beresford, L.
Beretta, M.
Kuutmann, E.B.
Berger, N.
Bergmann, B.
Beringer, J.
Bernardi, G.
Bernius, C.
Bernlochner, F.U.
Bernon, F.
Berry, T.
Berta, P.
Berthold, A.
Bertram, I.A.
Bethke, S.
Betti, A.
Bevan, A.J.
Bhalla, N.K.
Bhamjee, M.
Bhatta, S.
Bhattacharya, D.S.
Bhattarai, P.
Bhopatkar, V.S.
Bi, R.
Bianchi, R.M.
Bianco, G.
Biebel, O.
Bielski, R.
Biglietti, M.
Bindi, M.
Bingul, A.
Bini, C.
Biondini, A.
Birch-sykes, C.J.
Bird, G.A.
Birman, M.
Biros, M.
Biryukov, S.
Bisanz, T.
Bisceglie, E.
Biswal, J.P.
Biswas, D.
Bitadze, A.
Bjørke, K.
Bloch, I.
Blocker, C.
Blue, A.
Blumenschein, U.
Blumenthal, J.
Bobbink, G.J.
Bobrovnikov, V.S.
Boehler, M.
Boehm, B.
Bogavac, D.
Bogdanchikov, A.G.
Bohm, C.
Boisvert, V.
Bokan, P.
Bold, T.
Bomben, M.
Bona, M.
Boonekamp, M.
Booth, C.D.
Borbély, A.G.
Bordulev, I.S.
Borecka-Bielska, H.M.
Borissov, G.
Bortoletto, D.
Boscherini, D.
Bosman, M.
Sola, J.D.B.
Bouaouda, K.
Bouchhar, N.
Boudreau, J.
Bouhova-Thacker, E.V.
Boumediene, D.
Bouquet, R.
Boveia, A.
Boyd, J.
Boye, D.
Boyko, I.R.
Bracinik, J.
Brahimi, N.
Brandt, G.
Brandt, O.
Braren, F.
Brau, B.
Brau, J.E.
Brener, R.
Brenner, L.
Brenner, R.
Bressler, S.
Britton, D.
Britzger, D.
Brock, I.
Brooijmans, G.
Brooks, W.K.
Brost, E.
Brown, L.M.
Bruce, L.E.
Bruckler, T.L.
de, Renstrom, P.A.B.
Brüers, B.
Bruni, A.
Bruni, G.
Bruschi, M.
Bruscino, N.
Buanes, T.
Buat, Q.
Buchin, D.
Buckley, A.G.
Bulekov, O.
Bullard, B.A.
Burdin, S.
Burgard, C.D.
Burger, A.M.
Burghgrave, B.
Burlayenko, O.
Burr, J.T.P.
Burton, C.D.
Burzynski, J.C.
Busch, E.L.
Büscher, V.
Bussey, P.J.
Butler, J.M.
Buttar, C.M.
Butterworth, J.M.
Buttinger, W.
Vazquez, C.J.B.
Buzykaev, A.R.
Urbán, S.C.
Cadamuro, L.
Caforio, D.
Cai, H.
Cai, Y.
Cairo, V.M.M.
Cakir, O.
Calace, N.
Calafiura, P.
Calderini, G.
Calfayan, P.
Callea, G.
Caloba, L.P.
Calvet, D.
Calvet, S.
Calvet, T.P.
Calvetti, M.
Toro, R.C.
Camarda, S.
Munoz, D.C.
Camarri, P.
Camerlingo, M.T.
Cameron, D.
Camincher, C.
Campanelli, M.
Camplani, A.
Canale, V.
Canesse, A.
Cantero, J.
Cao, Y.
Capocasa, F.
Capua, M.
Carbone, A.
Cardarelli, R.
Cardenas, J.C.J.
Cardillo, F.
Carli, T.
Carlino, G.
Carlotto, J.I.
Carlson, B.T.
Carlson, E.M.
Carminati, L.
Carnelli, A.
Carnesale, M.
Caron, S.
Carquin, E.
Carrá, S.
Carratta, G.
Argos, F.C.
Carter, J.W.S.
Carter, T.M.
Casado, M.P.
Caspar, M.
Castiglia, E.G.
Castillo, F.L.
Garcia, L.C.
Gimenez, V.C.
Castro, N.F.
Catinaccio, A.
Catmore, J.R.
Cavaliere, V.
Cavalli, N.
Cavasinni, V.
Cekmecelioglu, Y.C.
Celebi, E.
Celli, F.
Centonze, M.S.
Cepaitis, V.
Cerny, K.
Cerqueira, A.S.
Cerri, A.
Cerrito, L.
Cerutti, F.
Cervato, B.
Cervelli, A.
Cesarini, G.
Cetin, S.A.
Chadi, Z.
Chakraborty, D.
Chan, J.
Chan, W.Y.
Chapman, J.D.
Chapon, E.
Chargeishvili, B.
Charlton, D.G.
Charman, T.P.
Chatterjee, M.
Chauhan, C.
Chekanov, S.
Chekulaev, S.V.
Chelkov, G.A.
Chen, A.
Chen, B.
Chen, B.
Chen, H.
Chen, H.
Chen, J.
Chen, J.
Chen, M.
Chen, S.
Chen, S.J.
Chen, X.
Chen, X.
Chen, Y.
Cheng, C.L.
Cheng, H.C.
Cheong, S.
Cheplakov, A.
Cheremushkina, E.
Cherepanova, E.
Moursli, R.C.E.
Cheu, E.
Cheung, K.
Chevalier, L.
Chiarella, V.
Chiarelli, G.
Chiedde, N.
Chiodini, G.
Chisholm, A.S.
Chitan, A.
Chitishvili, M.
Chizhov, M.V.
Choi, K.
Chomont, A.R.
Chou, Y.
Chow, E.Y.S.
Chowdhury, T.
Chu, K.L.
Chu, M.C.
Chu, X.
Chudoba, J.
Chwastowski, J.J.
Cieri, D.
Ciesla, K.M.
Cindro, V.
Ciocio, A.
Cirotto, F.
Citron, Z.H.
Citterio, M.
Ciubotaru, D.A.
Ciungu, B.M.
Clark, A.
Clark, P.J.
Columbie, J.M.C.
Clawson, S.E.
Clement, C.
Clercx, J.
Clissa, L.
Coadou, Y.
Cobal, M.
Coccaro, A.
Barrue, R.F.C.
De, Sa, R.C.L.
Coelli, S.
Cohen, H.
Coimbra, A.E.C.
Cole, B.
Collot, J.
Muiño, P.C.
Connell, M.P.
Connell, S.H.
Connelly, I.A.
Conroy, E.I.
Conventi, F.
Cooke, H.G.
Cooper-Sarkar, A.M.
Choi, A.C.O.
Cormier, F.
Corpe, L.D.
Corradi, M.
Corriveau, F.
Cortes-Gonzalez, A.
Costa, M.J.
Costanza, F.
Costanzo, D.
Cote, B.M.
Cowan, G.
Cranmer, K.
Cremonini, D.
Crépé-Renaudin, S.
Crescioli, F.
Cristinziani, M.
Cristoforetti, M.
Croft, V.
Crosby, J.E.
Crosetti, G.
Cueto, A.
Donszelmann, T.C.
Cui, H.
Cui, Z.
Cunningham, W.R.
Curcio, F.
Czodrowski, P.
Czurylo, M.M.
Da, Cunha, E.
Da, Fonseca, Pinto, J.V.
Da, Via, C.
Dabrowski, W.
Dado, T.
Dahbi, S.
Dai, T.
Santo, D.D.
Dallapiccola, C.
Dam, M.
D’amen, G.
D’Amico, V.
Damp, J.
Dandoy, J.R.
Daneri, M.F.
Danninger, M.
Dao, V.
Darbo, G.
Darmora, S.
Das, S.J.
D’Auria, S.
David, C.
Davidek, T.
Davis-Purcell, B.
Dawson, I.
Day-hall, H.A.
De, K.
De, Asmundis, R.
De, Biase, N.
De, Castro, S.
De, Groot, N.
de, Jong, P.
De, la, Torre, H.
De, Maria, A.
De, Salvo, A.
De, Sanctis, U.
De, Santo, A.
De, Vivie, De, Regie, J.B.
Dedovich, D.V.
Degens, J.
Deiana, A.M.
Corso, F.D.
Peso, J.D.
Rio, F.D.
Deliot, F.
Delitzsch, C.M.
Pietra, M.D.
Volpe, D.D.
Dell’Acqua, A.
Dell’Asta, L.
Delmastro, M.
Delsart, P.A.
Demers, S.
Demichev, M.
Denisov, S.P.
D’Eramo, L.
Derendarz, D.
Derue, F.
Dervan, P.
Desch, K.
Deutsch, C.
Bello, F.A.D.
Ciaccio, A.D.
Ciaccio, L.D.
Domenico, A.D.
Donato, C.D.
Girolamo, A.D.
Gregorio, G.D.
Luca, A.D.
Micco, B.D.
Nardo, R.D.
Diaconu, C.
Diamantopoulou, M.
Dias, F.A.
Vale, T.D.D.
Diaz, M.A.
Capriles, F.G.D.
Didenko, M.
Diehl, E.B.
Diehl, L.
Cornell, S.D.
Pardos, C.D.
Dimitriadi, C.
Dimitrievska, A.
Dingfelder, J.
Dinu, I.-M.
Dittmeier, S.J.
Dittus, F.
Djama, F.
Djobava, T.
Djuvsland, J.I.
Doglioni, C.
Dohnalova, A.
Dolejsi, J.
Dolezal, Z.
Dona, K.M.
Donadelli, M.
Dong, B.
Donini, J.
D’Onofrio, A.
D’Onofrio, M.
Dopke, J.
Doria, A.
Fernandes, N.D.S.
Dougan, P.
Dova, M.T.
Doyle, A.T.
Draguet, M.A.
Dreyer, E.
Drivas-koulouris, I.
Drnevich, M.
Drobac, A.S.
Drozdova, M.
Du, D.
Pree, T.A.
Dubinin, F.
Dubovsky, M.
Duchovni, E.
Duckeck, G.
Ducu, O.A.
Duda, D.
Dudarev, A.
Duden, E.R.
D’uffizi, M.
Duflot, L.
Dührssen, M.
Dülsen, C.
Dumitriu, A.E.
Dunford, M.
Dungs, S.
Dunne, K.
Duperrin, A.
Yildiz, H.D.
Düren, M.
Durglishvili, A.
Dwyer, B.L.
Dyckes, G.I.
Dyndal, M.
Dysch, S.
Dziedzic, B.S.
Earnshaw, Z.O.
Eberwein, G.H.
Eckerova, B.
Eggebrecht, S.
De, Souza, Melo, S.A.
Ehrke, L.F.
Eigen, G.
Einsweiler, K.
Ekelof, T.
Ekman, P.A.
Farkh, S.E.
Ghazali, Y.E.
Jarrari, H.E.
El, Moussaouy, A.
Ellajosyula, V.
Ellert, M.
Ellinghaus, F.
Elliot, A.A.
Ellis, N.
Elmsheuser, J.
Elsing, M.
Emeliyanov, D.
Enari, Y.
Ene, I.
Epari, S.
Erdmann, J.
Erland, P.A.
Errenst, M.
Escalier, M.
Escobar, C.
Etzion, E.
Evans, G.
Evans, H.
Evans, L.S.
Evans, M.O.
Ezhilov, A.
Ezzarqtouni, S.
Fabbri, F.
Fabbri, L.
Facini, G.
Fadeyev, V.
Fakhrutdinov, R.M.
Falciano, S.
Coelho, L.F.F.U.
Falke, P.J.
Faltova, J.
Fan, C.
Fan, Y.
Fang, Y.
Fanti, M.
Faraj, M.
Farazpay, Z.
Farbin, A.
Farilla, A.
Farooque, T.
Farrington, S.M.
Fassi, F.
Fassouliotis, D.
Giannelli, M.F.
Fawcett, W.J.
Fayard, L.
Federic, P.
Federicova, P.
Fedin, O.L.
Fedotov, G.
Feickert, M.
Feligioni, L.
Fellers, D.E.
Feng, C.
Feng, M.
Feng, Z.
Fenton, M.J.
Fenyuk, A.B.
Ferencz, L.
Ferguson, R.A.M.
Luengo, S.I.F.
Martinez, P.F.
Fernoux, M.J.V.
Ferrando, J.
Ferrari, A.
Ferrari, P.
Ferrari, R.
Ferrere, D.
Ferretti, C.
Fiedler, F.
Fiedler, P.
Filipčič, A.
Filmer, E.K.
Filthaut, F.
Fiolhais, M.C.N.
Fiorini, L.
Fisher, W.C.
Fitschen, T.
Fitzhugh, P.M.
Fleck, I.
Fleischmann, P.
Flick, T.
Flores, M.
Castillo, L.R.F.
De, Acedo, L.F.S.
Follega, F.M.
Fomin, N.
Foo, J.H.
Forland, B.C.
Formica, A.
Forti, A.C.
Fortin, E.
Fortman, A.W.
Foti, M.G.
Fountas, L.
Fournier, D.
Fox, H.
Francavilla, P.
Francescato, S.
Franchellucci, S.
Franchini, M.
Franchino, S.
Francis, D.
Franco, L.
Lima, V.F.
Franconi, L.
Franklin, M.
Frattari, G.
Freegard, A.C.
Freund, W.S.
Frid, Y.Y.
Friend, J.
Fritzsche, N.
Froch, A.
Froidevaux, D.
Frost, J.A.
Fu, Y.
Fujimoto, M.
Torregrosa, E.F.
Fung, K.Y.
De, Simas, Filho, E.F.
Furukawa, M.
Fuster, J.
Gabrielli, A.
Gabrielli, A.
Gadow, P.
Gagliardi, G.
Gagnon, L.G.
Gallas, E.J.
Gallop, B.J.
Gan, K.K.
Ganguly, S.
Gao, J.
Gao, Y.
Walls, F.M.G.
Garcia, B.
García, C.
Alonso, A.G.
Caffaro, A.G.G.
Navarro, J.E.G.
Garcia-Sciveres, M.
Gardner, G.L.
Gardner, R.W.
Garelli, N.
Garg, D.
Garg, R.B.
Gargan, J.M.
Garner, C.A.
Garvey, C.M.
Gasiorowski, S.J.
Gaspar, P.
Gaudio, G.
Gautam, V.
Gauzzi, P.
Gavrilenko, I.L.
Gavrilyuk, A.
Gay, C.
Gaycken, G.
Gazis, E.N.
Geanta, A.A.
Gee, C.M.
Gemme, C.
Genest, M.H.
Gentile, S.
Gentry, A.D.
George, S.
George, W.F.
Geralis, T.
Gessinger-Befurt, P.
Geyik, M.E.
Ghani, M.
Ghneimat, M.
Ghorbanian, K.
Ghosal, A.
Ghosh, A.
Ghosh, A.
Giacobbe, B.
Giagu, S.
Giani, T.
Giannetti, P.
Giannini, A.
Gibson, S.M.
Gignac, M.
Gil, D.T.
Gilbert, A.K.
Gilbert, B.J.
Gillberg, D.
Gilles, G.
Gillwald, N.E.K.
Ginabat, L.
Gingrich, D.M.
Giordani, M.P.
Giraud, P.F.
Giugliarelli, G.
Giugni, D.
Giuli, F.
Gkialas, I.
Gladilin, L.K.
Glasman, C.
Gledhill, G.R.
Glemža, G.
Glisic, M.
Gnesi, I.
Go, Y.
Goblirsch-Kolb, M.
Gocke, B.
Godin, D.
Gokturk, B.
Goldfarb, S.
Golling, T.
Gololo, M.G.D.
Golubkov, D.
Gombas, J.P.
Gomes, A.
Da, Silva, Santiago, A.
Delegido, A.J.G.
Gonçalo, R.
Gonella, G.
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Imam, H.
Lezki, M.I.
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Iodice, M.
Ippolito, V.
Irwin, R.K.
Ishino, M.
Islam, W.
Issever, C.
Istin, S.
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Institute for IonicsCitation
ATLAS Collaboration., Aad, G., Abbott, B. et al. Measurement of the H → γ γ and H → Z Z∗ → 4l cross-sections in pp collisions at √s = 13.6 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Eur. Phys. J. C 84, 78 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1140/epjc/s10052-023-12130-5Journal
European Physical Journal CRights
© CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS Collaboration 2024. This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.Collection Information
This item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at repository@u.library.arizona.edu.Abstract
The inclusive Higgs boson production cross-section is measured in the di-photon and the ZZ∗→ 4 ℓ decay channels using 31.4 and 29.0 fb - 1 of pp collision data respectively, collected with the ATLAS detector at a centre-of-mass energy of s=13.6 TeV . To reduce the model dependence, the measurement in each channel is restricted to a particle-level phase space that closely matches the channel’s detector-level kinematic selection, and it is corrected for detector effects. These measured fiducial cross-sections are σfid,γγ= 76-13+14 fb, and σfid,4ℓ= 2.80±0.74 fb, in agreement with the corresponding Standard Model predictions of 67.6 ± 3.7 fb and 3.67 ± 0.19 fb. Assuming Standard Model acceptances and branching fractions for the two channels, the fiducial measurements are extrapolated to the full phase space yielding total cross-sections of σ(pp→H)=67-11+12 pb and 46 ± 12 pb at 13.6 TeV from the di-photon and ZZ∗→ 4 ℓ measurements respectively. The two measurements are combined into a total cross-section measurement of σ(pp→ H) = 58.2 ± 8.7 pb, to be compared with the Standard Model prediction of σ(pp→ H) SM= 59.9 ± 2.6 pb. © 2024, The Author(s).Note
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Except where otherwise noted, this item's license is described as © CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS Collaboration 2024. This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.