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dc.contributor.authorHorta, D.
dc.contributor.authorSchiavon, R.P.
dc.contributor.authorMackereth, J.T.
dc.contributor.authorWeinberg, D.H.
dc.contributor.authorHasselquist, S.
dc.contributor.authorFeuillet, D.
dc.contributor.authorO’Connell, R.W.
dc.contributor.authorAnguiano, B.
dc.contributor.authorAllende-Prieto, C.
dc.contributor.authorBeaton, R.L.
dc.contributor.authorBizyaev, D.
dc.contributor.authorCunha, K.
dc.contributor.authorGeisler, D.
dc.contributor.authorGarcía-Hernández, D.A.
dc.contributor.authorHoltzman, J.
dc.contributor.authorJönsson, H.
dc.contributor.authorLane, R.R.
dc.contributor.authorMajewski, S.R.
dc.contributor.authorMészáros, S.
dc.contributor.authorMinniti, D.
dc.contributor.authorNitschelm, C.
dc.contributor.authorShetrone, M.
dc.contributor.authorSmith, V.V.
dc.contributor.authorZasowski, G.
dc.identifier.citationDanny Horta, Ricardo P Schiavon, J Ted Mackereth, David H Weinberg, Sten Hasselquist, Diane Feuillet, Robert W O’Connell, Borja Anguiano, Carlos Allende-Prieto, Rachael L Beaton, Dmitry Bizyaev, Katia Cunha, Doug Geisler, D A García-Hernández, Jon Holtzman, Henrik Jönsson, Richard R Lane, Steve R Majewski, Szabolcs Mészáros, Dante Minniti, Christian Nitschelm, Matthew Shetrone, Verne V Smith, Gail Zasowski, The chemical characterization of halo substructure in the Milky Way based on APOGEE, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 520, Issue 4, April 2023, Pages 5671–5711,
dc.description.abstractGalactic haloes in a Λ-CDM universe are predicted to host today a swarm of debris resulting from cannibalized dwarf galaxies. The chemodynamical information recorded in their stellar populations helps elucidate their nature, constraining the assembly history of the Galaxy. Using data from APOGEE and Gaia, we examine the chemical properties of various halo substructures, considering elements that sample various nucleosynthetic pathways. The systems studied are Heracles, Gaia-Enceladus/Sausage (GES), the Helmi stream, Sequoia, Thamnos, Aleph, LMS-1, Arjuna, I’itoi, Nyx, Icarus, and Pontus. Abundance patterns of all substructures are cross-compared in a statistically robust fashion. Our main findings include: (i) the chemical properties of most substructures studied match qualitatively those of dwarf Milky Way satellites, such as the Sagittarius dSph. Exceptions are Nyx and Aleph, which are chemically similar to disc stars, implying that these substructures were likely formed in situ; (ii) Heracles differs chemically from in situ populations such as Aurora and its inner halo counterparts in a statistically significant way. The differences suggest that the star formation rate was lower in Heracles than in the early Milky Way; (iii) the chemistry of Arjuna, LMS-1, and I’itoi is indistinguishable from that of GES, suggesting a possible common origin; (iv) all three Sequoia samples studied are qualitatively similar. However, only two of those samples present chemistry that is consistent with GES in a statistically significant fashion; (v) the abundance patterns of the Helmi stream and Thamnos are different from all other halo substructures. © 2022 The Author(s) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Royal Astronomical Society.
dc.publisherOxford University Press
dc.rights© 2022 The Author(s) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Royal Astronomical Society.
dc.subjectGalaxy: abundances
dc.subjectGalaxy: evolution
dc.subjectGalaxy: formation
dc.subjectGalaxy: general
dc.subjectGalaxy: halo
dc.subjectGalaxy: kinematics
dc.titleThe chemical characterization of halo substructure in the Milky Way based on APOGEE
dc.contributor.departmentUniversity of Arizona
dc.identifier.journalMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
dc.description.noteImmediate access
dc.description.collectioninformationThis item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at
dc.eprint.versionFinal Published Version
dc.source.journaltitleMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

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