Underfunded and Underappreciated: UNFCCC's Technology Mechanism and the Need for Stable Funding [Article]
14 Ariz. J. Envtl. L. & Pol’y 96 (2023)Description
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This Article examines the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change’s (UNFCCC) Technology Mechanism and efforts to improve upon the work it has engaged in over the past decade. Created in 2010, the Technology Mechanism was the culmination of a nearly two decade-effort by the UNFCCC to establish an entity to facilitate the implementation of climate technology in developing countries. Like the UNFCCC, the Technology Mechanism is primarily funded by contributions from developed countries. Since its establishment, the Technology Mechanism has completed hundreds of projects helping developing countries obtain and develop the climate technologies they need to mitigate and adapt to climate change. Despite its successes, developing countries are not where they need to be to adequately mitigate and adapt to climate change, and many have called upon the Technology Mechanism to do more. Criticisms and suggested improvements have spanned from ambitious restructurings of the Technology Mechanism to simply increasing funding to the body. One critical issue the Technology Mechanism has faced is unpredictable and inconsistent funding. Developing countries have frequently advocated for establishing consistent multi-year funding to the Technology Mechanism, and this Article echoes these calls. By providing concrete funding years in advance, the Technology Mechanism will have increased financial stability that can allow for increased planning and help it address other more substantive criticisms. With the establishment of a Joint Work Programme at COP 27 to help coordinate and streamline the work of the Technology Mechanism, improvements are continuing to be made. However, to fully realize these improvements and activate the full potential of the Technology Mechanism, consistent and predictable year-to-year funding is needed.Type